Электроника, электрика
Журнал Радио
Stewart Watkiss. Learn Electronics with Raspberry Pi

Stewart Watkiss. Learn Electronics with Raspberry Pi

Stewart Watkiss. Learn Electronics with Raspberry Pi

Learn Electronics with Raspberry Pi. Если у вас есть огромное желание дружить с электроникой, если вы хотите создавать свои самоделки, но не знаете, с чего начать, - воспользуйтесь этой книгой. Книга поможет модернизировать и дополнить некоторые основные схемы. Вы узнаете, как читать принципиальные схемы, работать с паяльником, и создадите немало интересных самоделок. Вы научитесь пользоваться измерительным прибором, разрабатывать и создавать печатные платы, узнаете секреты многих профессиональных радиолюбителей.

Саймон Монк. Программируем Arduino

Саймон Монк. Программируем Arduino

Саймон Монк. Программируем Arduino

Программируем Arduino. Встречайте новую книгу от Саймона Монка, автора легендарного бестселлера «Программируем Arduino. Основы работы со скетчами»! Гуру электроники поможет преодолеть сложный путь от новичка до профессионала, легко решающего самые сложные задачи программирования скетчей. Пора двигаться дальше!

Raspberry Pi for Beginners 7th Edition

Raspberry Pi for Beginners 7th Edition

Aaron Asadi. Raspberry Pi for Beginners 7th Edition

Raspberry Pi for Beginners 7th Edition. Это новое, дополненное издание поможет вам выбрать лучшую модель, настроить ваше новое устройство и сделать свои первые шаги с вашим новым гаджетом. После этого, вы сможете погрузиться в интересные практические проекты, а также научиться основам программирования на Python и Scratch.

Разработка автомобильных электронных систем на базе Arduino: управление работой двигателя внутреннего сгорания

Разработка автомобильных электронных систем на базе Arduino: управление работой двигателя внутреннего сгорания

Разработка автомобильных электронных систем на базе Arduino

Разработка автомобильных электронных систем на базе Arduino. Пособие в простой и доступной форме знакомит читателей с платами Arduino, языком программирования Processing, средой разработки программ Atmel Studio v.7 и Arduino Software (IDE) версии 1.6.11. Описанные устройства и программы для плат Arduino используются в лекционных демонстрациях и при проведении лабораторных работ.

Beginning Sensor Networks with XBee, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino

Beginning Sensor Networks with XBee, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino

Beginning Sensor Networks with XBee, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino

Build sensor networks with Python and MicroPython using XBee radio modules, Raspberry Pi, and Arduino boards. This revised and updated edition will put all of these together to form a sensor network, and show you how to turn your Raspberry Pi into a MySQL database server to store your sensor data!

Music projects for Arduino

Music projects for Arduino

Music projects for Arduino

Music projects for Arduino. This book has a little bit of theory but the main premise is “learn by doing” From the first project you will be able to learn how a traffic light works in 2 aspects: hardware and software. And you can use it for toy race cars or decoration, so it also has a practical use.

Raspberry Pi: Der praktische Einstieg, 2. Auflage

Raspberry Pi: Der praktische Einstieg, 2. Auflage

Raspberry Pi: Der praktische Einstieg, 2. Auflage

Sie haben Spaß am Basteln und möchten den Raspberry Pi z. B. in der aktuellen Version B+ gründlich kennenlernen? Dann liegen Sie mit diesem Buch goldrichtig! Schritt für Schritt erklärt es Ihnen, wie Sie die wichtigsten Betriebssysteme wie Raspbian und Raspbmc für den Mini-Rechner installieren und verwalten. Dabei geht es ohne lange Theorie gleich in die Praxis: Ob einen kleinen Dateiserver fürs heimische Netzwerk, MediaStreaming Ihrer Lieblingsfilme vom PC auf den Fernseher oder den Einsatz des Raspberry Pi mit einer Kamera für Videoaufnahmen etc.: Das Buch bietet Ihnen alles, was Sie für den erfolgreichen Start mit dem RasPi benötigen, inkl. einer Einführung in die Programmierung mit Python und zentrale Grundlagen der Elektronik.

Arduino Applied. Comprehensive Projects for Everyday Electronics

Arduino Applied. Comprehensive Projects for Everyday Electronics

Arduino Applied. Comprehensive Projects for Everyday Electronics

Extend the range of your Arduino skills, incorporate the new developments in both hardware and software, and understand how the electronic applications function in everyday life. This project-based book extends the Arduino Uno starter kits and increases knowledge of microcontrollers in electronic applications. Learn how to build complex Arduino projects, break them down into smaller ones, and then enhance them, thereby broadening your understanding of each topic.You'll use the Arduino Uno in a range of applications such as a blinking LED, route mapping with a mobile GPS system, and uploading information to the internet.

Julien Bayle - C Programming for Arduino

Julien Bayle - C Programming for Arduino

Julien Bayle - C Programming for Arduino

C Programming for Arduino. Arduino шагает по планете быстро и уверенно, завоевывая все более умы и сердца творцов. Создание собственных электронных устройств увлекательно само по себе, но с каждым новым устройством приходит опыт и желание его улучшить, а потом еще улучшить, а потом в голову приходят мысли уже не об отдельном устройстве, а о целой системе, которая взаимодействуя с другими подобными системами могут вывести электронные технологии на совершенно новый уровень.

Raspberry Pi For Dummies. 3rd Edition

Raspberry Pi For Dummies. 3rd Edition

Sean McManus, Mike Cook. Raspberry Pi For Dummies. 3rd Edition

Get your slice of Raspberry Pi.
With the invention of the unique credit card-sized single-board computer comes a new wave of hardware geeks, hackers, and hobbyists who are excited about the possibilities with the Raspberry Pi—and this is the perfect guide to get you started. With this down-to-earth book, you'll quickly discover why the Raspberry Pi is in high demand!

Science and Engineering Projects Using the Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Science and Engineering Projects Using the Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Science and Engineering Projects Using the Arduino and Raspberry Pi

Hone your understanding of science and engineering concepts with the versatile Arduino microcontroller and powerful Raspberry Pi mini-computer. The simple, straightforward, fun projects in this book use the Arduino and Raspberry Pi to build systems that explore key scientific concepts and develop engineering skills.

Arduino and Kinect Projects: Design, Build, Blow Their Minds

Arduino and Kinect Projects: Design, Build, Blow Their Minds

Arduino and Kinect Projects

Arduino and Kinect Project. If you've done some Arduino tinkering and wondered how you could incorporate the Kinect―or the other way around―then this book is for you. The authors of Arduino and Kinect Projects will show you how to create 10 amazing, creative projects, from simple to complex. You'll also find out how to incorporate Processing in your project design―a language very similar to the Arduino language.

Make: Bluetooth. Bluetooth LE Projects with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Smartphones

Make: Bluetooth. Bluetooth LE Projects with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Smartphones

Make. Bluetooth. Bluetooth LE Projects with Arduino, Raspberry Pi, and Smartphones

This book is where your adventures with Bluetooth LE begin. You'll start your journey by getting familiar with your hardware options: Arduino, BLE modules, computers (including Raspberry Pi!), and mobile phones. From there, you'll write code and wire circuits to connect off-the-shelf sensors, and even go all the way to writing your own Bluetooth Services. Along the way you'll look at lightbulbs, locks, and Apple's iBeacon technology, as well as get an understanding of Bluetooth security--both how to beat other people's security, and how to make your hardware secure.

Simon Monk. Programming Arduino Next Steps

Simon Monk. Programming Arduino Next Steps

Programming Arduino Next Steps

Take your Arduino programming skills to the next level using the hands-on information contained in this thoroughly revised, easy to follow TAB guide. Aimed at programmers and hobbyists who have mastered the fundamentals, Programming Arduino Next Steps: Going Further with Sketches, Second Edition reveals professional programming tips and tricks. This up-to-date edition covers the Internet of Things (IoT) and features new chapters on interfacing your Arduino with other microcontrollers. You will get dozens of illustrated examples and downloadable code examples that clearly demonstrate each powerful technique.

Mastering the Raspberry Pi (+code)

Mastering the Raspberry Pi (+code)

Mastering the Raspberry Pi

Mastering the Raspberry Pi You probably already know that the Raspberry Pi is an excellent teaching tool. If you want to teach Linux basics or Python programming or basic electronics, it's a great place to start. But what if you are an electronics engineer or a Linux systems administrator or a very experienced maker? You want to know all of the details and inner working of the Raspberry Pi -- how to (figuratively or maybe even literally) make it get up and dance without wading through basics and introductory material.

Arduino and FPGAs in Electronic Circuits: A Practical Guide

Arduino and FPGAs in Electronic Circuits: A Practical Guide

Yury Magda.  Arduino and FPGAs in Electronic Circuits

Arduino and FPGAs in Electronic Circuits Today many developers and hobbyists designing electronic devices and systems use a popular Arduino platform. Numerous measurement and control systems based upon Arduino have already been designed and will be designed in future. One more approach for designing electronic systems is to use FPGAs. With FPGAs, a developer can build high-performance digital circuits operating in real time with minimal latencies.

Arduino Circuit Experts Projects Handson

Arduino Circuit Experts Projects Handson

Arduino Circuit Experts Projects Handson

This book is specially described about best IOT Projects with the simple explanation .From this book you can get lots of information about the IOT and How the Projects are developed. You can get an information about the free cloud services and effective way to apply in your projects. you can get how to program and create a proper automation in IOT products , Which is helpful for the starting stage people but they must know about internet of things.
You will know how to process the microchip controller and new software for working. You can gain lots of project knowlegde from this book and i am sure, if you done this book, you have a IOT Knowlegde.

Raspberry Pi 4 For Beginners And Intermediates

Raspberry Pi 4 For Beginners And Intermediates

Raspberry Pi 4 For Beginners And Intermediates

You Are About To Discover How To Set Up Your Raspberry Pi 4, Step By Step, The Easy Way, And Make The Most Of This Revolutionary Technology To Achieve So Much More Than You Can Imagine! Have you been looking for a simple and inexpensive way to do basic computing and even learn programming, boost your software development tasks or just simplify your life at home with a convenient computer? If yes, then you’ve been looking for a Raspberry Pi, a credit card-sized computer that is taking the tech world by storm.

Arduino Programming (2020) Yughi Chan

Arduino Programming (2020) Yughi Chan

Arduino Programming (2020) Yughi Chan

This book "Arduino Programming" will help you take a closer look and get acquainted with Arduino and tell you what it is capable of.
First, let me tell you briefly what is Arduino Programming? Arduino is an incredibly powerful programming platform that can allow anyone from basic to advanced developers to create amazing projects using the platform. It features ready-to-use boards straight out of the box and simple to understand online software that allows the devices to be programmed and controlled to do any variety of things.

Arduino. Arhive. 2014-2015

Arduino. Arhive. 2014-2015

Arduino. Arhive.2014-2015

Make. Basic Arduino Projects. 26 Experiments with Microcontrollers and Electronics
Arduino dla zaawansowanych
Arduino. 65 praktycznych projektow
Arduino Praxiseinstieg
Arduino Projects for Amateur Radio
Arduino Android Blueprints
Programming Arduino with LabVIEW
Getting Started with Adafruit FLORA. Making Wearables with an Arduino-Compatible Electronics Platform
Arduino - Physical Computing fur Bastler, Designer und Geeks
Arduino Essentials
The TAB Book of Arduino Projects. 36 Things to Make with Shields and Proto Shields
Home Automation with Arduino. Automate your Home using Open-Source Hardware
Connecting Arduino. Programming And Networking With The Ethernet Shield
Arduino Development Cookbook

Измеритель индуктивности на Arduino

Измеритель индуктивности на Arduino

Измеритель индуктивности на Arduino

В статье мы рассмотрим простую конструкцию, которая, по сути, является Arduino Uno-совместимой платой расширения, позволяющей измерять индуктивность. Такой прибор просто необходим при разработке радиочастотных трактов, импульсных источников питания и DC/DC преобразователей. Автор конструкции посчитал, что это именно тот функционал, который отсутствует во многих цифровых измерительных приборах-мультиметрах.