Электроника, электрика
Электроника, электрика
Learn Arduino Sensors Complete Hand Guide Beginner to Core Advance

Learn Arduino Sensors Complete Hand Guide Beginner to Core Advance

Learn Arduino Sensors Complete Hand Guide Beginner to Core Advance
Title: Learn Arduino Sensors Complete Hand Guide Beginner to Core Advance: Example Sensor Code, Specification, Dimensions, Connecting method
Author: Janani Sathish
Year of publication: 2021
English language
Pages: 331
Format: pdf, epub
Size: 32.74 Mb

You will get my thoughts regarding Arduino nuts and bolts. Furthermore, in the second the case of how programming should be possible with Arduino. Before we go further, I need to help you to remember a portion of the things that Arduino is famous with today, it is utilized in four distinctive IoT executions all through the world. Arduino gadgets are modest, they decrease utilization and which is the reason they are extremely well known for use in the web usage of things. In the primary module, we have seen various things, we have perceived the idea of the Internet of Things, the fundamental idea, the general component of the piloti merchandise.

Arduino 2021 Programming User Guide

Arduino 2021 Programming User Guide

Joseph John A. Arduino 2021 Programming User Guide
Название: Arduino 2021 Programming User Guide: Learn How To Do Programming Using Arduino And How To Build-Up Your Personal Arduino With The Right Materials
Автор: Joseph John A.
Издательство: Independently published
Год: 2021

Arduino is a breakthrough technology in the amateur electronics ecosystem. Breakthrough does not mean that it introduces a new powerful microprocessor or something similar. It created an entire industry, a movement, nothing.
I'm talking about the maker movement. Before the birth of Arduino, electronic products were not as interesting and easy to learn as they are today, and there are not many resources around. I studied electronics for many years at my technical high school and then at the Polytechnic Institute of Milan, but this is very serious, theoretical stuff, and there is very little programming/fun.

Raspberry Pi для детей

Raspberry Pi для детей

Raspberry Pi для детей - Михаэль Вайгенд
Название: Raspberry Pi для детей
Автор: Михаэль Вайгенд
Год издания: 2019
Издательство: ДМК Пресс
ISBN: 978-5-97060-667-4
Формат: pdf
Язык: русский
Страниц: 564
Размер: 36,87 Мб

Книга предназначена для первоначального изучения Raspberry PI – одноплатного компьютера размером с банковскую карту. Благодаря простым пошаговым инструкциям юный читатель сможет превратить свою «малинку» и в настоящий медиацентр, и в автосимулятор (с помощью языка Scratch), и в сердце умного дома (программируя на Python и подключая разные датчики). А в конце будет создан настоящий сайт и протестирован на смартфоне. Издание рекомендуется школьникам средних и старших классов, желающим изучить возможности Raspberry PI и научиться на нём программировать.

C Programming on Raspberry Pi

C Programming on Raspberry Pi

C Programming on Raspberry Pi: Develop innovative hardware-based projects in C
Title: C Programming on Raspberry Pi: Develop innovative hardware-based projects in C
Author: Dogan Ibrahim
Year: 2021
Publisher: Elektor International Media
English language
Format: pdf (true)
Pages: 376
Size: 38.5 Mb

The Raspberry Pi has traditionally been programmed using Python. Although this is a very powerful language, many programmers may not be familiar with it. C on the other hand is perhaps the most commonly used programming language and all embedded microcontrollers can be programmed using it.
The C language is taught in most technical colleges and universities and almost all engineering students are familiar with using it with their projects. This book is about using the Raspberry Pi with C to develop a range of hardware-based projects. Two of the most popular C libraries, wiringPi and pigpio are used.

Beginning Robotics with Raspberry Pi and Arduino (2nd Edition)

Beginning Robotics with Raspberry Pi and Arduino (2nd Edition)

Beginning Robotics with Raspberry Pi and Arduino (2nd Edition)
Название: Beginning Robotics with Raspberry Pi and Arduino: Using Python and OpenCV (Second Edition)
Автор: Jeff Cicolani
Издательство: Apress
Год: 2021

Robotics does not have to be difficult. In this book, I introduce you to the field of robotics. The journey will be challenging; it’s intended to be. But by the end of the book, you will have hands-on exposure to many of the fundamental - and not so fundamental - aspects of robotics. You will work with hardware, assemble and solder a circuit board, write code in two programming languages, install and configure a Linux environment, and work with computer vision. Everything else you do with robots will be an extension of the lessons learned in this book.

Getting started with Java on the Raspberry Pi

Getting started with Java on the Raspberry Pi

Frank Delporte. Getting started with Java on the Raspberry Pi
Title: Getting started with Java on the Raspberry Pi: A lot of small and bigger examples to introduce you to Java (11+), JavaFX (11+), Pi4J, Spring, Queues ... with hardware projects on the Raspberry Pi
Author: Frank Delporte
Year: 2020
Publisher: Leanpub
English language
Format: pdf (true)
Pages: 357
Size: 81,68 MB

Get started with the latest versions of Java, JavaFX, Pi4J, Spring and so much more. Learn the power (and fun!) of experimenting with electronics. All explained in many small and easy to understand examples.

Getting Started With Raspberry Pi, 4th Edition

Getting Started With Raspberry Pi, 4th Edition

Getting Started With Raspberry Pi, 4th Edition
Title: Getting Started With Raspberry Pi (Make :), 4th Edition
By Shawn Wallace, Matt Richardson
Year: 2021
Publisher: Make Community
English language
Format: epub
Pages: 256
Size: 16.0 Mb

The Raspberry Pi is a credit card-sized computer that plugs into your TV and a keyboard. It is a capable little computer which can be used in electronics projects, and for many of the things that your desktop PC does, like spreadsheets, word processing, browsing the internet, and playing games. It also plays high-definition video. This book takes you step-by-step through many fun and educational possibilities. Take advantage of several preloaded programming languages. Use the Raspberry Pi with Arduino. Create Internet-connected projects. Play with multimedia. With Raspberry Pi, you can do all of this and more.

Raspberry Pi 4 User Guide

Raspberry Pi 4 User Guide

Raspberry Pi 4 User Guide
Title: Raspberry Pi 4 User Guide: The New Updated Guide to Master the New Raspberry Pi 4 and Make, Build, or Hack a Variety of Amazing Projects
Author: Sam O. Collins
Year: 2019
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services LLC
English language
Format: pdf (true), azw3, epub
Pages: 81
Size: 10.14 Mb

Get to know your Raspberry Pi 4. Familiarize yourself with the new credit-card-sized computer by taking a guided tour of the new Raspberry Pi 4. Discover its numerous components and what they do and how to upgrade your device to start using the latest Raspberry Pi. This course will provide the information you need to Master the Raspberry Pi 4! It assumes no prior programming or electronics knowledge and walks you through everything you need to know to use the platform to the fullest!

RP2040 Assembly Language Programming

RP2040 Assembly Language Programming

RP2040 Assembly Language Programming
Title: RP2040 Assembly Language Programming: ARM Cortex-M0 + on the Raspberry Pi Pico
Author: Stephen Smith
Year: 2022
Publisher: Apress
English language
Format: pdf (true), epub
Pages: 330
Size: 10.2 Mb

Learn to program the Raspberry Pi Pico’s dual ARM Cortex M0+ CPUs in Assembly Language. The Pico contains a customer System on a Chip (SoC) called the RP2040, making it the Foundation’s first entry into the low-cost microcontroller market. The RP2040 contains a wealth of coprocessors for performing arithmetic as well as performing specialized I/O functionality. This book will show you how these CPUs work from a low level, easy-to-learn perspective.

Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 4

Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 4

Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 4

Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 4
Author: Jon White (editor in chief)
Year: 2017
English language
Format: pdf
Pages: 180
Size: 23.58 MB

Builders, coders and hackers are using this amazing device to create everything from doomsday switches to fruit ripening detectors. In this new Raspberry Pi Annual, we’ll bring you all the basics with step-by-step tutorials in setting up your Pi and advice from Pi pros. We’ll also show you the secrets of Pi interfacing, how to create a virtual reality setup, some exciting Python projects – and much more. Welcome to the Raspberry Pi revolution!

Изучаем Arduino: инструменты и методы технического волшебства (2-е изд.)

Изучаем Arduino: инструменты и методы технического волшебства (2-е изд.)

Джереми Блум. Изучаем Arduino: инструменты и методы технического волшебства (2-е изд.)

Название: Изучаем Arduino: инструменты и методы технического волшебства (2-е изд.)
Автор: Джереми Блум
Год: 2020
Издательство: БХВ-Петербург
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 544
Размер: 51,82 Мб

Книга посвящена проектированию электронных устройств на основе микроконтроллерной платформы Arduino. Приведены основные сведения об аппаратном и программном обеспечении Arduino. Изложены принципы программирования в интегрированной среде Arduino IDE. Показано, как анализировать электрические схемы, читать технические описания, выбирать подходящие детали для собственных проектов. Приведены примеры использования и описание различных датчиков, электродвигателей, сервоприводов, индикаторов, проводных и беспроводных интерфейсов передачи данных.

Проекты IoT с Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

Проекты IoT с Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

Проекты IoT с Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense

Название: Проекты IoT с Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense
Автор: Курниаван А.
Год: 2021
Издательство: Самиздат
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 161
Размер: 10,18 Мб

Здесь представлен перевод книги "IoT Projects with Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense".
Arduino Nano 33 BLE Sense состоит из нескольких встроенных датчиков, таких как 9-осевой инерционный датчик, датчики влажности, температуры, барометрический, жестов, приближения, цвета и интенсивности света, а также цифровой микрофон.

Управление модулем Arduino по Wi-Fi с мобильных устройств

Управление модулем Arduino по Wi-Fi с мобильных устройств

Белов А.В. Управление модулем Arduino по Wi-Fi с мобильных устройств

Название: Управление модулем Arduino по Wi-Fi с мобильных устройств
Автор: Белов А.В.
Год: 2020
Издательство: СПб.: Наука и Техника
Язык: русский
Формат: DjVu
Страниц: 496
Размер: 50,54 Мб

Перед вами ИНТЕРАКТИВНЫЙ САМОУЧИТЕЛЬ с QR-кодами для перехода к приложениям и необходимым ресурсам. Сканер QR-кодов, установленный на смартфон или планшет, позволит при наведении гаджета на QR-код по ходу чтения книги перейти по необходимой ссылке. Это облегчает освоение программирования ARDUINO, позволяет устанавливать нужные Приложения и пр.

Мобильные роботы на базе Arduino, 2-е издание

Мобильные роботы на базе Arduino, 2-е издание

Момот М. Мобильные роботы на базе Arduino, 2-е издание

Название: Мобильные роботы на базе Arduino, 2-е издание
Автор: Момот Михаил
Год: 2018
Издательство: БХВ-Петербург
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 338
Размер: 50,14 Мб

Руководство для начинающих конструкторов написано в форме практических проектов по построению мобильных роботов. Для их реализации выбрана популярная платформа Arduino и единая базовая четырехколесная конструкция. Сложность проектов возрастает от простой, управляемой с пульта «машинки» до интеллектуального говорящего робота. Рассказано, как управлять моторами, осуществлять сборку механики и электроники, программировать основные функции и управлять роботом. Роботы смогут обходить препятствия, выбираться из запутанных лабиринтов, искать кегли и определять их цвета, ориентироваться по электронному компасу, гироскопу и даже балансировать на двух колесах.

Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 3

Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 3

Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 3
Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 3
Автор: Asadi A.
Год: 2016
Издательство: Imagine Publishing Limited
Язык: Английский
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 180
Размер: 36,62 Мб

The Raspberry Pi was first created in 2012 and since then, more than 10 million units have been sold to children and adults alike. In this book we’ll show you how to set up your Pi, run motion tracking software and program with Python. If you’ve ever wanted to build your own Raspberry Pi robots, we have all the tutorial files you’ll need.

Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 2

Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 2

Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 2
Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 2
Год издания: 2015
Язык: English
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 178
Размер: 33,67 Mb

We invite you to join the Raspberry Pi revolution. Our second Raspberry Pi Annual comes out as Raspberry Pi gears up to celebrate it's fourth birthday and the staggering 5 million units that have been sold so far. In this book we'll show you how to set up, supercharge and hack your Pi. We'll demonstrate how to start programming with Python. If you've ever wanted to build your own Raspberry Pi robots, we have all the tutorial files you'll need.

Explorer HAT tricks

Explorer HAT tricks

Explorer HAT tricks : Fun things to try with your Pimoroni Explorer HAT
Title: Explorer HAT tricks: Fun things to try with your Pimoroni Explorer HAT (+ Code)
Author: Romilly Cocking
Year: 2020
Publisher: Leanpub
English language
Format: pdf (true), mobi, epub (+ Code)
Pages: 105
Size: 34.64 Mb

Build Raspberry Pi projects that interact with the world around them
No soldering
Simple instructions
Clear diagrams
Learn Python as you go!
Written for beginners. Includes all the code, and covers exactly what extra hardware to buy.

Programming Arduino Projects with the PIC Microcontroller

Programming Arduino Projects with the PIC Microcontroller

Programming Arduino Projects with the PIC Microcontroller
Programming Arduino Projects with the PIC Microcontroller
Автор: Hubert Henry Ward
Год: 2022
Издательство: Apress
Язык: English
Формат: ePUB, PDF
Страниц: 733
Размер: 23,83 Mb

Now that you’ve built a few Arduino projects, and reused some pre-written sketches, it’s time to move on to the next step and explore the world of embedded programming. To truly up-skill, you'll need to understand how your code works, and that's where this book comes in.

Java on the Raspberry Pi

Java on the Raspberry Pi

Java on the Raspberry Pi: Develop Java Programs to Control Devices for Robotics, IoT, and Beyond
Java on the Raspberry Pi: Develop Java Programs to Control Devices for Robotics, IoT, and Beyond
Автор: Greg Flurry
Год: 2021
Издательство: Apress
Язык: English
Формат: ePUB, PDF
Страниц: 568
Размер: 21,17 Mb

Use Java to do whatever you want to do with the Raspberry Pi and the devices you need for your project. In theory, it should be possible, and even easy, to work with on the Pi. Unfortunately, reality is a bit different. This book features an extensive set of techniques that allow you to get close to bringing this theory to fruition.

Arduino Measurements in Science

Arduino Measurements in Science

Arduino Measurements in Science Advanced Techniques and Data Projects
Название: Arduino Measurements in Science Advanced Techniques and Data Projects
Автор: Richard J. Smythe
Год: 2022
Издательство: Apress
Язык: English
Формат: True PDF
Страниц: 727
Размер: 34,45 Mb

Explore the full capabilities of your Arduino. Whether you need to measure light, heat, mass, force, or conductivity, this book can be used as a complete reference guide for making virtually any scientific measurement with your PC or Linux based system and the Arduino microcontroller.

Hacking Electronics. Learning Electronics with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, 2nd Edition

Hacking Electronics. Learning Electronics with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, 2nd Edition

Hacking Electronics. Learning Electronics with Arduino and Raspberry Pi
Title: Hacking Electronics. Learning Electronics with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, 2nd Edition
Author: Simon Monk
Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Year: 2017
English language
Format: True PDF
Quality: excellent
Pages: 305
Size: 13.25 mb

Up-to-date hacks that will breathe life into your Arduino and Raspberry Pi creations!
This intuitive DIY guide shows how to wire, disassemble, tweak, and re-purpose household devices and integrate them with your Raspberry Pi and Arduino inventions. Packed with full-color illustrations, photos, and diagrams, Hacking Electronics: Learning Electronics with Arduino and Raspberry Pi, Second Edition, features fun, easy-to-follow projects. Youll discover how to build an Internet-controlled hacked electric toy, ultrasonic rangefinder, remote-controlled robotic rover, audio amp, slot car brakes and headlights•even a smart card reader!

IoT based Projects

IoT based Projects

IoT based Projects
Title: IoT based Projects: Realization with Raspberry Pi, NodeMCU and Arduino
Author: Dr. Rajesh Singh, Dr. Anita Gehlot, Dr. Lovi Raj Gupta, Navjot Rathour, Mahendra Swain
Year: 2020
Publisher: BPB Publications
Language: English
Format: epub, pdf
Pages: 243
Size: 10.12 Mb

The book has been written in such a way that the concepts are explained in detail. It is entirely based on the practical experience of the authors while undergoing projects with students and industries, giving adequate emphasis on circuits and code examples. To make the topics more comprehensive, circuit diagrams, photographs and code samples are furnished extensively throughout the book. The book is conceptualized and written in such a way that the beginner readers will find it very easy to understand and implement the circuits and programs. The objective of this book is to discuss the various projects based on the Internet of Things (IoT).

Mark Torvalds. Arduino Programming

Mark Torvalds. Arduino Programming

Arduino Programming: Step-by-step guide to mastering arduino hardware and software
Title: Arduino Programming: Step-by-step guide to mastering arduino hardware and software
Author: Mark Torvalds
Year of publication: 2017
English language
Format: epub, pdf
Pages: 230
Size: 10.7 Mb

This book/course is for all those who are willing to build exciting projects with Arduino. You actually do not need to know the Arduino platform beforehand as all projects will be explained step by step with clear instructions.

Arduino Project Handbook, Volume 2: 25 Simple Electronics Projects for Beginners (+code)

Arduino Project Handbook, Volume 2: 25 Simple Electronics Projects for Beginners (+code)

Mark Geddes - Arduino Project Handbook, Volume 2
Название: Arduino Project Handbook, Volume 2: 25 Simple Electronics Projects for Beginners (+code)
Автор: Mark Geddes
Год: 2017
Издательство: No Starch Press
Язык: Английский
Формат: epub, pdf
Страниц: 272
Размер: 102.3 mb

This second volume of Arduino Project Handbook follows up the acclaimed first volume with 25 new and fresh projects. Each project provides step-by-step instructions, full-color photos and circuit diagrams, and the complete code to bring your build to life.

Arduino, датчики и сети для связи устройств (2-е изд.+ code)

Arduino, датчики и сети для связи устройств (2-е изд.+ code)

Том Иго. Arduino, датчики и сети для связи устройств (2-е изд.+ code)

Название: Arduino, датчики и сети для связи устройств (2-е изд.+ code)
Автор: Том Иго
Год издания: 2015
Издательство: СПб.: БХВ-Петербург
Язык: русский
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 540
Размер: 265,49 Мб

В книге рассмотрено 33 несложных проекта, в которых показано, как сделать таким образом, чтобы электронные устройства могли взаимодействовать с вами, окружающей средой и друг с другом. Вы научитесь создавать сети интеллектуальных устройств, которые обмениваются данными и реагируют на команды.