Nuts and Volts - 5.2022

Nuts and Volts Issue 5 2022
English | 88 pages | PDF | 22.1 MB
From the contents:
- OpenPLC - Arduino Start-Stop Control Circuit;
- Build a Triode RIAA Preamplifier - Part 3;
- Build a Three-Phase Compass Motor;
- The 555 for Today's Projects
Nuts and Volts - 4.2022

Nuts and Volts Issue 4 2022
English | 88 pages | PDF | 15.3 MB
From the contents:
- An Introduction to OpenPlC.
- Rescue Ola High-End Multimeter.
- ESP8266 for a Smart Home.
- Build a laser Alignment system for Your Telescope.
Nuts and Volts - 3.2022

Nuts and Volts Issue 3 2022
English | 88 pages | PDF | 22.1 MB
From the contents:
- 1-Click Temperature Graphs Using the Raspberry Pi and Dallas Semiconductor DS18B20
- Build a High-Fidelity Tube Amplifier - Part 1
- Adding a Wireless Alarm to My 1932 Plymouth
Nuts and Volts - 2.2022

"Nuts and Volts" Issue 2 2022
From the contents:
- Build a DIY Heart Sound Analyzer Using Your Laptop
- Build a Three-Way Antenna Switch and Display
- Build an Electronic Tic-Tac-Toe Game
- Turn a Typewriter Into a Printer
Nuts and Volts - 1.2022

"Nuts and Volts" Issue 1 2022
Read in the issue:
- Vintage Tek. Continuously Variable Autotransformers
- Hextion Touch Screen Display (Part 7) Bringing It All Together!
- Review: Building a DMM & Basic Oscilloscope with the Dr. Dnino Explorer Edition
- Build the Lambda Harp
- Build a General-Purpose Baspberry Pi Data Logger HAT
- Build a Farmer, Fox, Chicken, Corn Puzzle
- Build a Voltage Monitoring System with RTOS
Nuts and Volts - 6.2020

"Nuts and Volts" Issue 6 2020
Read in the issue:
- Nextion Touch Screen Display — (Part 6)
- Build a Vintage Radio Sweep Alignment Instrument — (Part 2)
- Build a Softpot Ribbon Controller for Analog Synthesizers
- Build a One Inch Scope
- Exercising the Teensy 4.0
- (Mostly) Restoring a Vintage Sidereal Clock
- Custom Markings for Project Panels
- Britain’s Raiding Dreadnought of the Ether
- The Elekit TU-8900 300B/2A3 SE Power Amp KIT
Nuts and Volts Issue 5 2020

Nuts & Volts is written for the hands-on hobbyist, design engineer, technician, and experiment.The diversity of subjects appeals to all levels of experience and spans such topics as amateur robotics, circuit design, lasers, computer control, home automation, microcontrollers, data acquisition, new technology, DIY projects, electronic theory, and more, not to mention the popular BASIC Stamp.
Nuts and Volts Issue 4 2020

Nuts and Volts - Issue 4 2020
English | 100 pages | PDF | 21.2 MB
Nuts & Volts is written for the hands-on hobbyist, design engineer, technician, and experiment.The diversity of subjects appeals to all levels of experience and spans such topics as amateur robotics, circuit design, lasers, computer control, home automation, microcontrollers, data acquisition, new technology, DIY projects, electronic theory, and more, not to mention the popular BASIC Stamp.
Nuts and Volts Issue 3 2020

Название: «Nuts and Volts»
Год / номер: 2020 / Issue 3
Nuts & Volts is written for the hands-on hobbyist, design engineer, technician, and experiment.The diversity of subjects appeals to all levels of experience and spans such topics as amateur robotics, circuit design, lasers, computer control, home automation, microcontrollers, data acquisition, new technology, DIY projects, electronic theory, and more, not to mention the popular BASIC Stamp.
Nuts and Volts Issue 2 2020

Nuts & Volts is written for the hands-on hobbyist, design engineer, technician, and experiment.The diversity of subjects appeals to all levels of experience and spans such topics as amateur robotics, circuit design, lasers, computer control, home automation, microcontrollers, data acquisition, new technology, DIY projects, electronic theory, and more, not to mention the popular BASIC Stamp.
Nuts and Volts Issue 1 2020

Nuts & Volts is written for the hands-on hobbyist, design engineer, technician, and experiment.The diversity of subjects appeals to all levels of experience and spans such topics as amateur robotics, circuit design, lasers, computer control, home automation, microcontrollers, data acquisition, new technology, DIY projects, electronic theory, and more, not to mention the popular BASIC Stamp.
Nuts and Volts 2011

Nuts & Volts is the No.1 magazine for those seriously interested in electronics. There now remain only a handful of magazines written for the electronics community with Nuts & Volts being the highest readership, longest running electronics publication left in the US today. And we still have readers and advertisers that have been with us since the early 80s.
Nuts and Volts 2010

Nuts & Volts is the No.1 magazine for those seriously interested in electronics. There now remain only a handful of magazines written for the electronics community with Nuts & Volts being the highest readership, longest running electronics publication left in the US today. And we still have readers and advertisers that have been with us since the early 80s.
Nuts and Volts 2009

Nuts & Volts is the No.1 magazine for those seriously interested in electronics. There now remain only a handful of magazines written for the electronics community with Nuts & Volts being the highest readership, longest running electronics publication left in the US today. And we still have readers and advertisers that have been with us since the early 80s.
Nuts and Volts 2008

Nuts & Volts is the No.1 magazine for those seriously interested in electronics. There now remain only a handful of magazines written for the electronics community with Nuts & Volts being the highest readership, longest running electronics publication left in the US today. And we still have readers and advertisers that have been with us since the early 80s.
Nuts and Volts 2007

Nuts & Volts is the No.1 magazine for those seriously interested in electronics. There now remain only a handful of magazines written for the electronics community with Nuts & Volts being the highest readership, longest running electronics publication left in the US today. And we still have readers and advertisers that have been with us since the early 80s.
Nuts and Volts 2006

Nuts & Volts is the No.1 magazine for those seriously interested in electronics. There now remain only a handful of magazines written for the electronics community with Nuts & Volts being the highest readership, longest running electronics publication left in the US today. And we still have readers and advertisers that have been with us since the early 80s.
Nuts and Volts 2005

Nuts & Volts is the No.1 magazine for those seriously interested in electronics. There now remain only a handful of magazines written for the electronics community with Nuts & Volts being the highest readership, longest running electronics publication left in the US today. And we still have readers and advertisers that have been with us since the early 80s.
Nuts and Volts 2004

Nuts & Volts is the No.1 magazine for those seriously interested in electronics. There now remain only a handful of magazines written for the electronics community with Nuts & Volts being the highest readership, longest running electronics publication left in the US today. And we still have readers and advertisers that have been with us since the early 80s.
Nuts and Volts Issue 6 2019

Nuts and Volts - Популярный журнал по схемотехнике и электронным компонентам для специалистов и любителей любого уровня подготовки.
Nuts and Volts Issue 5 2019

Nuts and Volts - Популярный журнал по схемотехнике и электронным компонентам для специалистов и любителей любого уровня подготовки.
Nuts and Volts 2019

Nuts and Volts 2019 Популярный журнал по схемотехнике и электронным компонентам для специалистов и любителей любого уровня подготовки.
Nuts and Volts (2018)

"Nuts and Volts" - популярный журнал по электронным компонентам и схемотехнике для любителей и специалистов любого уровня
Nuts and Volts №1-12 (January-December 2017)
Nuts and Volts
Подшивка за 2017г. Популярный журнал по схемотехнике и электронным компонентам для специалистов и любителей любого уровня подготовки.
Nuts and Volts №1-12 (January-December 2016)

Nuts and Volts 2016 Популярный журнал по схемотехнике и электронным компонентам для специалистов и любителей любого уровня подготовки.
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