Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, 3rd Edition

Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, 3rd Edition

Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, 3rd Edition
Simon Monk. Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, 3rd Edition
Year: 2023
Publisher: McGraw Hill
English language
Format: pdf (true), epub (true)
Pages: 176
Size: 64.8 mb

An up-to-date Arduino programming guide—no prior programming experience required!
This fully updated guide shows, step by step, how to quickly and easily program all Arduino models using its modified C language and the Arduino IDE. Electronics guru Simon Monk gets you up to speed quickly, teaching all concepts through simple language and clear instruction. Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, Third Edition features dozens of easy-to-follow examples and high-quality illustrations. All of the sample sketches featured in the book can be used as is or modified to suit your needs. You will also get all new coverage of using Arduino as a framework for programming other popular boards.

Raspberry Pi 4 Официальное руководство для начинающих

Raspberry Pi 4 Официальное руководство для начинающих

Raspberry Pi 4 Официальное руководство для начинающих

Название: Raspberry Pi 4. Официальное руководство для начинающих
Автор: Гарет Халфакри

Год: 2021
Издательство: ДМК Пресс
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 263
Размер: 44,27 Мб

Raspberry Pi – точная миниатюрная копия полноценного компьютера, наделенная аналогичными функциями. Вместе с тем Raspberry Pi представляет собой нечто большее, чем современный компьютер: с его помощью вы можете создать собственную операционную систему и соединить провода, цепи и контакты на плате.

Ревич Ю. Программирование микроконтроллеров AVR: от Arduino к ассемблеру

Ревич Ю. Программирование микроконтроллеров AVR: от Arduino к ассемблеру

Ревич Ю. Программирование микроконтроллеров AVR: от Arduino к ассемблеру
Ревич Ю. Программирование микроконтроллеров AVR: от Arduino к ассемблеру
Год: 2020
Издательство: БХВ-Петербург
Серия: Электроника
Язык: русский
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 448
Размер: 41,1 мб

Рассмотрено практическое программирование микроконтроллеров AVR, в том числе популярной платформы Arduino. Рассказано, как выйти за рамки ограничений Arduino, когда следует применять прямое программирование на ассемблере, а когда использовать языки высокого уровня. Изложены общие принципы устройства микроконтроллеров AVR и их программирования, система команд, программирование таймеров, арифметические операции, память, интерфейсы, режимы энергосбережения и сторожевой таймер, программы реального времени, обмен данными с персональным компьютером.

Arduino Uno и Raspberry Pi 3: от схемотехники к интернету вещей

Arduino Uno и Raspberry Pi 3: от схемотехники к интернету вещей

Arduino Uno и Raspberry Pi 3: от схемотехники к интернету вещей
Название: Arduino Uno и Raspberry Pi 3: от схемотехники к интернету вещей
Автор: Макаров С.Л.
Год: 2018
Издательство: ДМК Пресс
Язык: русский
Формат: djvu, docx
Страниц: 204
Размер: 46 Мб

Данное руководство описывает построение и программирование приложений для интернета вещей (IoT). Первая часть книги посвящена экспериментам на популярной платформе Arduino с целью научить читателя основным принципам схемотехники, вторая часть посвящена примерам практической реализации проектов для IoT на базе Raspberry Pi 3, где затрагиваются как сервисы для приложения под ОС Android Things, так и облачные платформы интернета вещей.

Хофман Д. Освоение Arduino (+коды)

Хофман Д. Освоение Arduino (+коды)

Хофман Д. Освоение Arduino (+коды)
Название: Освоение Arduino (+коды)
Автор: Хофман Д.
Год: 2018
Издательство: СИ
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 306
Размер: 68,91 Мб

Освоение Arduino - это комплексное руководство по максимально эффективному использованию Arduino. Это практическое и серьезное руководство научит вас всем навыкам в области программирования, которые необходимы вам для создания сложных проектов Arduino. Эта книга наполнена реальными проектами, над которыми вы можете попрактиковаться, объединяя все знания, изложенные в книге, и давая вам навыки создания собственного робота на основе примеров из этой книги. В последних двух главах обсуждаются беспроводные технологии и их использование в ваших проектах.

Raspberry Pi For Beginners, 13th Edition

Raspberry Pi For Beginners, 13th Edition

Raspberry Pi For Beginners, 13th Edition
Title: Raspberry Pi For Beginners, 13th Edition
Year: 2023
Publisher: Papercut Limited
English language
Format: PDF
Pages: 100
Size: 38.8 mb

Since its launch, the Raspberry Pi has taken the world by storm. It has provided a much-needed impetus to students in the classroom by helping them overcome their fear of programming and coding, while assisting adults to create some extremely unique small and large-scale projects that have got the entire community excited. This book is ideal for anyone who wants to know what makes the pocket-size computer so unique and how it works, and take their first steps into the world of Scratch and Python programming. Featuring: The basics - Learn to set up your Raspberry Pi and install the latest OSs for it. Projects - Take inspiration and learn to create some of your own. Programming - Learn and master the basics of Scratch and Python. Troubleshooting and Glossary - Hardware and software troubleshooting, FAQs answered and a glossary of terms.

Programming Arduino With Python For Robots

Programming Arduino With Python For Robots

Programming Arduino With Python For Robots
Title: Programming Arduino With Python For Robots (2020 Edition): A Beginner to Advanced Reference Guide to Arduino programming for Microcontroller processing and Robotics
Author: Ted Humphrey
Year: 2020
Publisher: Amazon
Format: epub/pdf(conv.)
Language: English
Pages: 117
Size: 16.42 Mb

The Arduino board is an easy to use microcontroller that can interface with a lot of electronics for the purpose of controlling these gadgets with minimal stress. The Arduino C programming language is the language of instruction for Arduino through which it interfaces itself with a computer.

Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, 3rd Edition

Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, 3rd Edition

Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, 3rd Edition
Title: Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, 3rd Edition
Author: Simon Monk
Year: 2023
Publisher: McGraw Hill
English language
Format: epub (true)
Pages: 176
Size: 13.8 MB

An up-to-date Arduino programming guide—no prior programming experience required!
This fully updated guide shows, step by step, how to quickly and easily program all Arduino models using its modified C language and the Arduino IDE. Electronics guru Simon Monk gets you up to speed quickly, teaching all concepts through simple language and clear instruction. Programming Arduino: Getting Started with Sketches, Third Edition features dozens of easy-to-follow examples and high-quality illustrations. All of the sample sketches featured in the book can be used as is or modified to suit your needs. You will also get all new coverage of using Arduino as a framework for programming other popular boards.

Arduino with MATLAB in the thermography

Arduino with MATLAB in the thermography

Arduino with MATLAB in the thermography: From the sensor to the thermal camer
Title: Arduino with MATLAB in the thermography: From the sensor to the thermal camera
Author: Simone Gitto
Year: 2020
Publisher: Services LLC
English language
Format: pdf, epub
Size: 29.48 Mb

This book has an important mission to accomplish: bridging the gap in the scientific literature on the integrated use of Arduino with MATLAB. In fact, it will have happened to students, engineers, hobbyists, designers and makers to find themselves in various projects where these two wonderful creatures remain disconnected from each other. In this book we will combine the versatility of Arduino hardware with MATLAB's numerical computation.

The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book Volume 2

The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book Volume 2

The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book Volume 2
Title: The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book Volume 2
Year: 2016
Publisher: The MagPi
Language: English
Format: True PDF
Pages: 204
Size: 37,43 Mb

If you’re one of those new people, then we heartily welcome you to the latest Raspberry Pi Official Projects Book. With 200 pages of excellent guides, inspiring projects, and informative reviews, it should keep you busy learning about all the amazing things you can do with your Raspberry Pi. We even have a Getting Started guide if you’re trying to figure out where to begin. For Pi veterans, there are some truly challenging builds to get stuck into as well.

The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book

The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book

The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book
Title: The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book
Year: 2015
Language: English
Format: pdf
Pages: 202
Size: 29,42 Mb

Just over seven million Raspberry Pis have been sold around the world. That makes this credit card-sized PC one of the most successful computers the UK has ever made. It’s quite amazing really, that a tiny UK charity, dedicated to making computing and computer science affordable and available to people from all walks of life, should end up with such an incredible success story on their hands.

The official Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide

The official Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide

The official Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide
Title: The official Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide
Posted by Gareth Halfacree
Year: 2018
Publisher: Raspberry Pi Trading Ltd
Language: English
Format: True PDF
Pages: 244
Size: 12 Mb

The Raspberry Pi is a small, clever, British-built computer that’s packed with potential. Made using the same technology you find in a smartphone, the Raspberry Pi is designed to help you learn coding, discover how computers work, and build your own amazing things. This book was written to show you just how easy it is to get started.

Arduino Projects for Amateur Radio

Arduino Projects for Amateur Radio

Arduino Projects for Amateur Radio
Title: Arduino Projects for Amateur Radio
Authors: Jack Purdum, Dennis Kidder
Year: 2015
English language
Format: pdf
Pages: 443
Size: 10.68 Mb

Boost your ham radio's capabilities using low-cost arduino microcontroller boards!
Do you want to increase the functionality and value of your ham radio without spending a lot of money? This book will show you how! Arduino Projects for Amateur Radio is filled with step-by-step microcontroller projects you can accomplish on your own--no programming experience necessary.After getting you set up on an Arduino board, veteran ham radio operators Jack Purdum (W8TEE) and Dennis Kidder (W6DQ) start with a simple LCD display and move up to projects that can add hundreds of dollars' worth of upgrades to existing equipment.

Complete Raspberry Pi Volume 31 (BDM's Ultimate Series)

Complete Raspberry Pi Volume 31 (BDM's Ultimate Series)

Complete Raspberry Pi Volume 31 (BDM's Ultimate Series)
Title: Complete Raspberry Pi Volume 31 (BDM's Ultimate Series)
Posted by Editor James Galo
Year: 2019
Publisher: Black Dog Media Limited
Language: English
Format: pdf
Pages: 160
Size: 28.8 Mb

Detailed guides to creating amazing Raspberry Pi projects!
  • 160-page guidebook
  • Step-by-step guides, tutorials and tips
  • Learn to do more with your Raspberry Pi
  • Code and build advanced Pi projects
  • Boost your knowledge of coding

Arduino IV: DIY Robots

Arduino IV: DIY Robots

Arduino IV: DIY Robots
Title: Arduino IV: DIY Robots: 3D Printing, Instrumentation, and Control
Authors: Tyler Kerr, Steven Barrett
Year: 2022
Publisher: Springer
English language
Format: pdf (true)
Pages: 243
Size: 8.4 Mb

This book is about the Arduino microcontroller and the Arduino concept. This book gives a step-by-step introduction to designing and building your own robots. As with other books in the Arduino series, the book begins with a quick overview of the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used to write sketches, and the hardware systems aboard the Arduino UNO R3 and the Mega 2560 Rev 3. The level of the text makes it accessible for students, hobbyist and professionals' first introduction to both Arduino and Robotics.

Яценков В. От Arduino до Omega. Платформы для мейкеров шаг за шагом (+файлы)

Яценков В. От Arduino до Omega. Платформы для мейкеров шаг за шагом (+файлы)

Яценков В. От Arduino до Omega. Платформы для мейкеров шаг за шагом (+файлы)
Название: От Arduino до Omega. Платформы для мейкеров шаг за шагом (+файлы)
Автор: Яценков В.
Год: 2018
Издательство: СПб.: БХВ-Петербург
Серия: Электроника
Язык: русский
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 304
Размер: 55.8 Мб

Рассмотрен ряд современных программно-аппаратных платформ для любительского творчества. Отобраны платформы простые для понимания новичками, с низкой ценой стартового комплекта, но в то же время производительные и расширяемые, популярные в среде мейкеров, от школьников и студентов до руководителей кружков и преподавателей. Описаны современные онлайн-сервисы для разработки и макетирования любительских проектов Arduino Create и Autodesk Circuits.

Петин В.А. Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things, 2-е изд. (+CD)

Петин В.А. Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things, 2-е изд. (+CD)

Петин В.А. Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things, 2-е изд. (+CD)
Название: Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things, 2-е изд. (+CD)
Автор: Петин В.А.
Год: 2019
Издательство: БХВ-Петербург
Серия: Электроника
Язык: русский
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 432
Размер: 164.7 Мб

Рассмотрено создание простых устройств в рамках концепции Интернета вещей (IoT, Internet of Things) на базе популярной платформы Arduino и микрокомпьютера Raspberry Pi. Описана установка и настройка среды разработки приложений Arduino IDE, а также среда макетирования Frizing. Раскрыты технические возможности, особенности подключения и взаимодействия различных датчиков и исполнительных устройств.

Петин В.А.  Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things (+ исходные коды)

Петин В.А. Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things (+ исходные коды)

Петин В.А.  Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things (+ исходные коды)
Название: Arduino и Raspberry Pi в проектах Internet of Things (+ исходные коды)
Автор: В.А. Петин
Год издания: 2016
Издательство: БХВ-Петербург
Язык: русский
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 320
Размер: 18,88 Мб

Рассмотрено создание простых устройств в рамках концепции Интернета вещей (IoT, Internet of Things) на базе популярной платформы Arduino и микрокомпьютера Raspberry Pi. Показана установка и настройка среды разработки приложений Arduino IDE, а также среда макетирования Frizing. Описаны технические возможности, особенности подключения и взаимодействия различных датчиков и исполнительных устройств.

Digital Electronics with Arduino

Digital Electronics with Arduino

Bob Dukish - Digital Electronics with Arduino
Title: Digital Electronics with Arduino: Learn How To Work With Digital Electronics And Microcontrollers
Author: Bob Dukish
Year: 2020
Publisher: BPB Publications
Language: English
Format: epub, pdf
Pages: 330
Size: 10.03 Mb

As computer technology has evolved, there have been two groups of people: the hardware group that understands the machine, and the software group that codes in high-level programming languages. This book puts the two together by providing an understanding of the nuts and bolts of digital devices and implementing hardware operations by coding a microcontroller.

Practice ESP32 Development With Arduino

Practice ESP32 Development With Arduino

Practice ESP32 Development With Arduino
Title: Practice ESP32 Development With Arduino: 30 days Challenge, IoT, OTA, Telegram, Arduino interface, Web Server, ESP32 Programming without coding
Author: Sesha Chan
Year: 2022
Publisher: Independently published
English language
Format: epub
Pages: 310
Size: 10.3 Mb

ESP 32 Development Board. The ESP 32 is a low cost system on chip series created by express systems. It's an improvement on the popular SB eight two six six that is widely used in Internet of Things products.
They, ESP 32, has both Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities, which make it an all rounded chip for the development of Internet of Things project and embedded systems engineer. Now, in this course, you will learn how to get started with that iOS P32 and learn how to use it to scan Wi-Fi hotspots, control LEDs, buttons, sensors or get sensors reading on our page along with other examples. This course will equip you with the basic knowledge that you will need when working on your ISP. 32 projects in the future.

Dogan Ibrahim. Programming with Node-RED: Design IoT Projects with Raspberry Pi, Arduino and ESP32

Dogan Ibrahim. Programming with Node-RED: Design IoT Projects with Raspberry Pi, Arduino and ESP32

Dogan Ibrahim. Programming with Node-RED: Design IoT Projects with Raspberry Pi, Arduino and ESP32
Title: Programming with Node-RED: Design IoT Projects with Raspberry Pi, Arduino and ESP32
Author: Dogan Ibrahim
Year: 2020
Publisher: Elektor Publication
English language
Format: pdf (true)
Pages: 325
Size: 12.3 Mb

Produced by IBM, Node-RED is an open-source visual editor for wiring the Internet of Things. Node-RED comes with a large number of nodes to handle a multitude of tasks.
The aim of this book is to teach how Node-RED can be used in projects. The main hardware platform used with most of the projects in this book is Raspberry Pi 4. Chapters are included to show how Node-RED can be also be used with Arduino Uno, ESP32 DevKitC, and the ESP8266 NodeMCU microcontroller development boards.

Raspberry Pi For Beginners. 12th Edition 2022

Raspberry Pi For Beginners. 12th Edition 2022

Raspberry Pi For Beginners. 12th Edition 2022
Name: Raspberry Pi For Beginners. 12th Edition 2022
Author: Papercut Limited
Year: 2022
Publisher: Papercut Limited
English language
Format: pdf
Pages: 101
Size: 18.9 MB

Since its launch, the Raspberry Pi has taken the world by storm. It has provided a much-needed impetus to students in the classroom by helping them overcome their fear of programming and coding, while assisting adults to create some extremely unique small and large-scale projects that have got the entire community excited. This book is ideal for anyone who wants to know what makes the pocket-size computer so unique and how it works, and take their first steps into the world of Scratch and Python programming.

Arduino For Everyone A Practical Approach

Arduino For Everyone A Practical Approach

Arduino For Everyone A Practical Approach
Title: Arduino For Everyone A Practical Approach
Author: Abdul Nayeem Shaik
Year: 2022
Publisher: Abdul Nayeem Shaik
Language: English
Format: ePUB
Pages: 655
Size: 16.2 Mb

A step-by-step approach to :
  • Concept of Electronics, Arduino, and programming essentials in C++
  • Up to 30 projects with illustrated Circuit diagrams, Schematic diagrams, and source code explanations

Шварц М., Буттигиг С. Проекты Arduino на основе Android (+ коды)

Шварц М., Буттигиг С. Проекты Arduino на основе Android (+ коды)

Шварц М., Буттигиг С. Проекты Arduino на основе Android (+ коды)
Название: Проекты Arduino на основе Android
Автор: Марко Шварц, Стефан Буттигиг
Год: 2014
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 228
Размер: 10 Мб

Первые несколько проектов этой книги будут сосредоточены на отображении твитов в вашем приложении путем подключения к Twitter, управления основными функциями платы Arduino и подключения метеостанции на базе Arduino к телефону Android через Bluetooth. Далее вы узнаете, как использовать плату Arduino Yun для подключения стандартной USB-камеры к локальной сети Wi-Fi. В конце книги вы создадите простого мобильного робота, подключите его к плате Arduino и модулю Bluetooth, а затем будете управлять роботом с телефона Android с помощью Bluetooth.

Заводим Raspberry Pi

Заводим Raspberry Pi

Заводим Raspberry Pi
Название: Заводим Raspberry Pi
Автор: Мэтт Ричардсон, Шон Уоллес
Год: 2013
Издательство: Амперка
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 230
Размер: 53,11 Мб

Из этой книги вы узнаете
  • Аппаратные возможности платы Raspberry Pi
  • Основы работы в Linux и программирования на Python
  • Как создать электронное устройство с помощью Pi
  • Как Arduino и Raspberry Pi могут работать совместно
  • Про подключение камеры и другой периферии
  • Как поднять свои Pi-сервер на Python'е