Raspberry Pi Robotics

Raspberry Pi Robotics

Raspberry Pi Robotics: A Beginner's Guide to Building Your First Robot with Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Robotics: A Beginner's Guide to Building Your First Robot with Raspberry Pi
Author: Barrett Williams
Year: 2023
Publisher: Independently published
English language
Format: pdf
Pages: 183
Size: 22.6 MB

Dive into the world of robotics and unleash your creativity with "Raspberry Pi Robotics"! This comprehensive guide is the ultimate resource for hobbyists, beginners, and technical enthusiasts who want to explore their passion for building robots with Raspberry Pi.

Starting with Raspberry Pi

Starting with Raspberry Pi

Starting with Raspberry Pi: An Easy-to-Follow Guide to Setting Up and Configuring Your First Pi
Starting with Raspberry Pi: An Easy-to-Follow Guide to Setting Up and Configuring Your First Pi
Author: Barrett Williams
Year: 2023
Publisher: Independently published
English language
Format: pdf
Pages: 142
Size: 19.1 MB

UEnter the fascinating world of Raspberry Pi with this comprehensive and captivating eBook, "Starting with Raspberry Pi." Explore the limitless possibilities as you learn to harness the true power of this versatile, compact computer. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned programmer, this eBook is designed to guide you every step of the way in your Raspberry Pi journey.

Raspberry Pi Zero W Wireless Projects

Raspberry Pi Zero W Wireless Projects

Raspberry Pi Zero W Wireless Projects
Raspberry Pi Zero W Wireless Projects
Author: Vasilis Tzivaras
Year: 2017
Publisher: Packt Publishing
English language
Format: pdf, epub, azw3
Pages: 265
Size: 20.9 mb

The Raspberry Pi has always been the go–to, lightweight ARM-based computer. The recent launch of the Pi Zero W has not disappointed its audience with its $10 release. "W" here stands for Wireless, denoting that the Raspberry Pi is solely focused on the recent trends for wireless tools and the relevant use cases. This is where our book - Raspberry Pi Zero W Wireless Projects?comes into its own.

Arduino для изобретателей. Обучение электронике на 10 занимательных проектах (+CD)

Arduino для изобретателей. Обучение электронике на 10 занимательных проектах (+CD)

Arduino для изобретателей. Обучение электронике на 10 занимательных проектах (+CD)
Arduino для изобретателей. Обучение электронике на 10 занимательных проектах
Авторы: Брайан Хуанг, Дерек Ранберг
Год: 2019
Язык: русский
Страниц: 288
Формат: djvu, pdf (+file)
Размер: 41.3 Мб

В книге подробно рассмотрено 10 занимательных проектов с платой Arduino Uno (светофор, светодиодный экран, светочувствительный ночник, мини-теплица, мобильный робот, миниатюрное пианино и др.). Описаны принципы работы и взаимодействие различных электронных компонентов, чтение принципиальных и монтажных схем, создание и тестирование прототипов с помощью беспаечной макетной платы. Показано, как собирать электрические схемы, разрабатывать программный код и создавать готовые конструкции. В каждом проекте приведены советы по его модификации и расширению возможностей.
Приведены шаблоны корпусов и деталей, а также пошаговые фотографии их изготовления и сборки.

Дело в программировании. Пособие по программированию Arduino

Дело в программировании. Пособие по программированию Arduino

Колмаков С. Дело в программировании. Пособие по программированию Arduino
Дело в программировании. Пособие по программированию Arduino
Автор: Колмаков С.
Год: 2017
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 100
Размер: 13.9 Мб

Данное пособие предназначено для учеников, педагогов дополнительного образования, учителей информатики, робототехники, технологии, физики. Пособие позволит освоить: основы программирования микроконтроллеров; схемотехнику; основы электроники и электротехники. При помощи мини-проектов можно изучить физические явления (свет, температуру). Все приведенные проекты позволят разобраться в более сложных проектах.

Essentials of Arduino Boards Programming

Essentials of Arduino Boards Programming

Essentials of Arduino Boards Programming: Step-by-Step Guide to Master Arduino Boards Hardware and Software
Essentials of Arduino Boards Programming: Step-by-Step Guide to Master Arduino Boards Hardware and Software
Author: Farzin Asadi
Year: 2023
Publisher: Apress
English language
Format: pdf, epub
Pages: 342
Size: 26.3 MB

Learn to use the Arduino boards to do big jobs in a simple way. This book is full of real-world examples for Arduino enthusiasts of all experience levels. All of the examples in this book use Arduino UNO, which is an excellent option for educational purposes.

HackSpace Magazine: The Book of Making Volume 2

HackSpace Magazine: The Book of Making Volume 2

HackSpace Magazine: The Book of Making Volume 2
HackSpace Magazine: The Book of Making Volume 2
Year: 2019
Publisher: Raspberry Pi Trading Ltd.
Language: English
Format: True PDF
Pages: 180
Size: 16.6 Mb

It’s 180 pages of hands-on guides, tips, tricks, and inspiration. We show you how to build and launch your own rocket, create electronics circuits with Play-Doh, build your own polyphonic synthesizer, and much more. Whether you’ve got an hour to build something or you’re looking for a weekend project, we’ve got a range of maker projects to choose from.

Arduino Programming: The Ultimate Guide for Absolute Beginners

Arduino Programming: The Ultimate Guide for Absolute Beginners

Arduino Programming: The Ultimate Guide for Absolute Beginners
Arduino Programming. The Ultimate Guide for Absolute Beginners with Steps to Learn Arduino Programming and The Fundamental Electronic Concepts
Author: Daniel Geron
Year: 2019
English language
Format: epub, pdf (conv)
Pages: 97
Size: 10.5 mb

Are you looking for an easy way to learn programming, one that can help you to really work on some strong programs and applications, but will be easy enough for a beginner to understand? Have you looked at some of the other options out there and feel like they are too in-depth or hard to use for some of the basics that you want to know? Have you been able to look at some of the circuit boards out there, but they are not powerful enough or will not work with the operating system that you like to use?

Arduino Programming for Beginners: Tips and Tricks for the Efficient Use of Arduino Programming

Arduino Programming for Beginners: Tips and Tricks for the Efficient Use of Arduino Programming

Arduino Programming for Beginners: Tips and Tricks for the Efficient Use of Arduino Programming
Arduino Programming for Beginners: Tips and Tricks for the Efficient Use of Arduino Programming
Author: Eric Schmidt
Year: 2023
Publisher: Independently published
English language
Format: epub
Pages: 147
Size: 13.6 MB

This book is designed to familiarize beginners with Arduino and educate them on everything it offers.
From the main terms to the functions Arduino has to offer, the book delves into the benefits of the Arduino programming language. The book will take you through a brief introduction to Arduino, its history, and all the tips and tricks you'll need to boost your Arduino knowledge from a beginner to a seasoned user.

Science Experiments with Arduinos Using a Multi-Function Board. Book 2

Science Experiments with Arduinos Using a Multi-Function Board. Book 2

Eric Bogatin. Science Experiments with Arduinos Using a Multi-Function Board. Book 2
Science Experiments with Arduinos Using a Multi-Function Board. Book 2 (in the Saturday Afternoon Low-Cost Electronics Projects Series)
Author: Eric Bogatin
Year: 2019
Publisher: Addie Rose Press
Language: English
Format: epub, mobi, pdf (conv.)
Size: 12.5 Mb

If you can Blink and are looking for more cool experiments to do with your Arduino, this second book in the Saturday Afternoon Low Cost Electronics Projects Series is for you.

Getting Started with Netduino

Getting Started with Netduino

Getting Started with Netduino
Getting Started with Netduino
Author: Chris Walker
Year: 2012
English language
Format: pdf, epub
Pages: 100
Size: 13.6 Mb

Start building electronics projects with Netduino, the popular open source hardware platform that’s captured the imagination of makers and hobbyists worldwide. This easy-to-follow book provides the step-by-step guidance you need to experiment with Netduino and the .NET Micro Framework.

Raspberry Pi For Beginners - 15th Edition 2023

Raspberry Pi For Beginners - 15th Edition 2023

Raspberry Pi For Beginners - 15th Edition 2023
Raspberry Pi For Beginners - 15th Edition 2023
Publisher: Papercut Limited
English language
Format: pdf
Pages: 102
Size: 36 mb

Raspberry Pi For Beginners is the first and only choice if you want to learn everything about the Pi from the ground up - where the only limitation is your imagination. Learn how to build some amazing projects from a retro gaming console to a home entertainment system. The possibilities of the Raspberry Pi are endless and the best place to start is right here.

Eric Bogatin. Arduinos Without Tears. Second Edition

Eric Bogatin. Arduinos Without Tears. Second Edition

Eric Bogatin. Arduinos Without Tears. Second Edition
Arduinos Without Tears Second Edition
Author: Eric Bogatin
Year: 2019
Publisher: Addie Rose Press
Language: English
Format: epub, pdf (conv.)
Pages: 244
Size: 14 Mb

Have you tried to get started with Arduinos but hit a roadblock and got too frustrated? Overwhelmed with the 1 million hits on Google on getting started with Arduinos and not sure where to begin? All the getting started guides you’ve seen sound like a lot of jargon?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, this Book is for you.

MIT App Inventor Projects

MIT App Inventor Projects

MIT App Inventor Projects: 50+ Apps with Raspberry Pi, ESP32 and Arduino
MIT App Inventor Projects: 50+ Apps with Raspberry Pi, ESP32 and Arduino
Author: Dogan Ibrahim
Year: 2020
Publisher: Elektor
English language
Format: pdf (true)
Pages: 334
Size: 10.3 mb

This book is about developing apps for Android compatible mobile devices using the MIT App Inventor online development environment. MIT App Inventor projects can be in either standalone mode or use an external processor.

Теро Карвинен и др. Делаем сенсоры: проекты сенсорных устройств на базе Arduino и Raspberry Pi

Теро Карвинен и др. Делаем сенсоры: проекты сенсорных устройств на базе Arduino и Raspberry Pi

Теро Карвинен и др. Делаем сенсоры: проекты сенсорных устройств на базе Arduino и Raspberry Pi
Делаем сенсоры. Проекты сенсорных устройств на базе Arduino и Raspberry Pi
Авторы: Т. Карвинен и др.
Год: 2015
Язык: русский
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 432
Размер: 257.2 Мб

Вы ознакомитесь с принципами управления датчиками прикосновения, света, температуры и влажности, газовыми анализаторами, гироскопами и акселерометрами. В каждой главе дается описание нескольких экспериментальных проектов, а также способов их эффективной реализации в результате совместного применения различных технологий.

Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids

Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids

Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids
Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids: Create an MP3 Player, Mod Minecraft, Hack Radio Waves, and More!
Author: Dan Aldred
Year: 2019
English language
Format: epub, pdf
Pages: 408
Size: 34.9 mb

Raspberry Pi Projects for Kids will show you how to harness the power of the Raspberry Pi to create 12 cool projects using simple code and common materials like a webcam, microphone, and LED lights. Step-by-step instructions and detailed diagrams guide you through each project.

Make: Jumpstarting Raspberry Pi Vision

Make: Jumpstarting Raspberry Pi Vision

Make: Jumpstarting Raspberry Pi Vision
Make: Jumpstarting Raspberry Pi Vision. Machine Learning and Facial Recognition on a Single-Board Computer
Authors: Sandy Antunes, James West
Year: 2018
Publisher: Maker Media, Inc.
English language
Format: epub, pdf
Pages: 60
Size: 10 mb

In this book, we’re going to show you how to make a working Raspberry Pi–based camera system so that you can capture time-lapse images and view via Wi-Fi, trigger the camera if motion is detected, and even carry out basic facial recognition as an introduction to machine learning methods.

Arduino & Co – Measure, Control, and Hack

Arduino & Co – Measure, Control, and Hack

Arduino & Co – Measure, Control, and Hack
Robert Sontheimer. Arduino et Co – Measure, Control, and Hack: Clever Tricks with ATmega328 Pro Mini Boards
English | 2023 | 331 Pages | PDF | 10 MB

All the projects are based on the ATmega328 microcontroller, which offers endless measuring, switching, and control options with its 20 input and output lines. For example, with a 7-segment display and a few resistors, you can build a voltmeter or an NTC-based thermometer. The Arduino platform offers the perfect development environment for programming this range of boards.

60+ проектов на Raspberry Pi Pico W

60+ проектов на Raspberry Pi Pico W

60+ проектов на Raspberry Pi Pico W
60+ проектов на Raspberry Pi Pico W
Автор: Доган Ибрагим
Год: 2022
Страниц: 308
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf +code
Размер: 36.8 Мб

Книга представляет собой введение в использование платы разработки микроконтроллера Raspberry Pi Pico W с языком программирования MicroPython. Raspberry Pi Pico обладает мощностью и сложностью, которые еще недавно были немыслимы. Для тех задач, для которых он идеально подходит, у него достаточно вычислительной мощности и памяти, чтобы сделать задачи, которые раньше требовали тщательного планирования, относительно простыми.

Warwick A. Smith. Ultimate Arduino Uno Hardware Manual

Warwick A. Smith. Ultimate Arduino Uno Hardware Manual

Warwick A. Smith. Ultimate Arduino Uno Hardware Manual
Ultimate Arduino Uno Hardware Manual : A Reference and User Guide for the Arduino Uno Hardware and Firmware
Author: Warwick A. Smith
Year: 2021
Publisher: Elektor International Media BV
English language
Format: pdf (true), epub
Pages: 195
Size: 50.1 Mb

A manual providing up-to-date hardware information for the popular Arduino Uno, the easy to use open-source electronics platform used by hobbyists, makers, hackers, experimenters, educators and professionals.

Ultimate Arduino Mega 2560 Hardware Manual

Ultimate Arduino Mega 2560 Hardware Manual

Ultimate Arduino Mega 2560 Hardware Manual
Ultimate Arduino Mega 2560 Hardware Manual : A Reference and User Guide for the Arduino Mega 2560 Hardware and Firmware
Author: Warwick A. Smith
Year: 2021
Publisher: Elektor Publication
English language
Format: pdf (true)
Pages: 236
Size: 10.1 mb

A manual providing up-to-date hardware information for the Arduino Mega 2560.
The Arduino Mega 2560 is an upgrade to the popular Arduino Uno board, providing more pins, serial ports and memory. Arduino is the easy to use open-source electronics platform used by hobbyists, makers, hackers, experimenters, educators and professionals.

Develop and Operate Your LoRaWAN IoT Nodes

Develop and Operate Your LoRaWAN IoT Nodes

Develop and Operate Your LoRaWAN IoT Nodes
Develop and Operate Your LoRaWAN IoT Nodes : Ready-to-use devices and self-built Arduino nodes in the "The Things Network"
Author: Dr. Claus Kuhnel
Year: 2022
Publisher: Elektor Publication
English language
Format: pdf (true)
Pages: 224
Size: 38.1 mb

This book shows you the necessary steps to operate LoRaWAN nodes using TTS (CE) and maybe extend the network of gateways with an own gateway. Meanwhile, there are even LoRaWAN gateways suitable for mobile use with which you can connect to the TTN server via your cell phone.

Develop your own Bluetooth Low Energy Applications

Develop your own Bluetooth Low Energy Applications

Develop your own Bluetooth Low Energy Applications
Develop your own Bluetooth Low Energy Applications: for Raspberry Pi, ESP32 and nRF52 with Python, Arduino and Zephyr
Author: Koen Vervloesem
Year: 2022
Publisher: Elektor Publication
English language
Format: pdf (true)
Pages: 258
Size: 35.6 MB

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) radio chips are ubiquitous from Raspberry Pi to light bulbs. BLE is an elaborate technology with a comprehensive specification, but the basics are quite accessible.

Using Displays in Raspberry Pi Projects

Using Displays in Raspberry Pi Projects

Using Displays in Raspberry Pi Projects
Using Displays in Raspberry Pi Projects : Learn to program displays and GUIs with Python
Author: Dogan Ibrahim
Publisher: Elektor Publication
Year: 2021
Pages: 301
English language
Format: pdf (true)
Size: 19.9mb

This book is about Raspberry Pi 4 display projects. The book starts by explaining how to install the latest Raspbian operating system on an SD card, and how to configure and use the GPIO ports.

Kickstart to Arduino Nano

Kickstart to Arduino Nano

Kickstart to Arduino Nano
Kickstart to Arduino Nano Get Cracking with the ArduinoNanoV3, NanoEvery, and Nano33IoT
Author: Ashwin Pajankar
Year: 2022
Publisher: Elektor Publication
Language: English
Format: pdf
Pages: 193
Size: 11.8 mb

The seven chapters in this book serve as the first step for novices and microcontroller enthusiasts wishing to make a head start in Arduino programming.
The entire book follows a step-by-step approach to explain concepts and the operation of things. Each concept is invariably followed by a to-the-point circuit diagram and code examples. Next come detailed explanations of the syntax and the logic used.