Беспроводные проекты на Raspberry Pi Zero W

Беспроводные проекты на Raspberry Pi Zero W | Василис Циварас
Год: 2017
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 216
Размер: 14.4 Мб
Новый член семейства Raspberry Pi оснащен модулями беспроводной связи и Bluetooth. С помощью этой книги вы сможете создавать потрясающие проекты, которые позволят вам изучить возможности новой платы. Всего за 10 долларов вы можете развить навыки и стать частью нового мира, где вы сможете разрабатывать своих роботов, системы домашней автоматики, повышать уровень безопасности в своем доме и многое другое.
Raspberry Pi Annual - Volume 10, 2023

Raspberry Pi Annual - Volume 10, 2023
English | 132 pages | PDF | 63.3 MB
In this volume of the Raspberry Pi Annual, well give you some expert tips on how to get the most out of your Pi. Well also show you the best operating systems, how to harness the power of streaming, plus a ton of other exciting projects - and so much more.
Arduino: Praxiseinstieg. Behandelt Arduino UNO R4 und R3

Arduino: Praxiseinstieg. Behandelt Arduino UNO R4 und R3
Autor: Thomas Brühlmann
Herausgeber: mitp
Jahr: 2024
Deutsch | 620 Seiten | PDF, EPUB | 86.7 MB
- Alle Komponenten der Hardware, Verwendung der digitalen und analogen Ports, Einsatzbeispiele mit Sensoren, Aktoren und Anzeigen.
- Praktischer Einstieg in die Arduino-Programmierung.
- Beispielprojekte wie Gefrierschrankwächter, Miniroboter mit Fernsteuerung, Geschwindigkeitsmesser und Internetanwendungen wie RSS-Reader und Wetterstation.
Arduino Programming: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to learn the Realms of Arduino from A-Z

Arduino Programming: A Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to learn the Realms of Arduino from A-Z
Author: Stuart Nicholas
Year: 2020
Publisher: Amazon.com Services LLC
English language
Format: pdf, epub
Pages: 149
Size: 10.1 MB
This book is intended for developers and DBAs who have little knowledge of electronics, giving them an introduction to using Arduino, one of the most popular electronics platforms used in this field.
In this section, we will give a brief introduction to the Arduino, which is basically a board with a programmable microcontroller, cheap and easy to use.
Fundamentals of IoT: Get familiar with the building blocks of IoT

Fundamentals of IoT: Get familiar with the building blocks of IoT
Authors: Rajan Gupta, Supriya Madan
Year: 2023
English language
Format: epub (true)
Pages: 323
Size: 10.1 MB
A comprehensive guide to IoT's core concepts and principles.
This book serves as your comprehensive guide to understanding and harnessing the power of IoT and Arduino to create innovative and intelligent solutions.
Junk Box Arduino: Ten Projects in Upcycled Electronics

Junk Box Arduino: Ten Projects in Upcycled Electronics | James R. Strickland
Year: 2016
Languages: English
Format: pdf
Pages: 423
Size: 10 MB
Junk Box Arduino is the ultimate have-fun-while-challenging-your-skills guide for Arduino hackers who've gone beyond the basic tutorials and are ready for adventures in electronics. Bonus materials include all the example sketches, the Cestino core and bootloader source code, and links to suppliers for parts and tools.
Raspberry Pi 3 Projects for Java Programmers

Raspberry Pi 3 Projects for Java Programmers | Pradeeka Seneviratne, John Sirach
Year: 2017
Publisher: Packt Publishing
English language
Format: pdf
Pages: 286
Size: 12.3 MB
Our book is a project-based guide that will show you how to utilize the Raspberry Pi's GPIO with Java and how you can leverage this utilization with your knowledge of Java.
Raspberry Pi: Beginner’s Guide to Learn the Realms of Raspberry Pi From a-z

Raspberry Pi: Beginner’s Guide to Learn the Realms of Raspberry Pi From a-z
Author: Rob Stephen
Year: 2020
English language
Format: epub, pdf
Pages: 115
Size: 5.1 MB
Beginning from the absolute basics to gradually moving to important concepts and introducing them in a way that a novice would easily digest, this book is aimed at providing quality content laid out in a sequence to connect each thing you learn with the previous chapters. This book is written in a way to accommodate every type of person who is interested in working with a Raspberry Pi, regardless if they have a tech background or not.
Home Automation with Raspberry Pi

Home Automation with Raspberry Pi
Posted by Donald Norris
Year: 2019
English language
Format: pdf
Pages: 315
Size: 15.9 MB
This hands-on guide shows, step by step, how to use the powerful Raspberry Pi for home automation. Written in an easy-to-follow style, the book features DIY projects for Amazon Echo, Google Home, smart lightbulbs and thermostats, and more.
A DIY Smart Home Guide

A DIY Smart Home Guide: Tools for Automating Your Home Monitoring and Security Using Arduino, ESP8266, and Android
Posted by Robert Chin
Year: 2020
Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education TAB
English language
Format: epub, pdf (conv.)
Pages: 1003
Size: 119.4 MB
Setting up a smart home can be expensive, scary, and intrusive. This guide offers you a simple, affordable DIY solution using free software that enables communication between your home and mobile devices.
Arduino-Based Embedded Systems

Arduino-Based Embedded Systems: Interfacing, Simulation, and LabVIEW GUI
Posted by Singh R. et al
Year: 2018
English language
Format: pdf
Pages: 330
Size: 10.1 MB
Arduino is an open-source electronics platform based on easy-to-use hardware and software while LabVIEW is a graphical programming telling how to connect functions and work with a variety of datatypes when constructing applications.This book will help beginners to get started with Arduino-based embedded systems including essential know-how of the programming and interfacing of the devices. Book includes programming and simulation of Arduino-based projects and interfacing with LabVIEW, based on practical case studies.
Michael Redcar. Raspberry Pi3: The future is now

Raspberry Pi3: The future is now
Posted by Michael Redcar
Year: 2017
English language
Format: epub, pdf, djvu
Size: 10 MB
Nowadays Raspberry Pi is much more than simply any instruction instrument for encouraging children to learn and revel in standard hardware skills and programming. Since many tech fans are thrilled about its applications as an inexpensive computer, the vast majority of hobbyists are contemplating it as crucial to unraveling an entire world of possibilities. The vast majority of the jobs made on a Raspberry Pi are all available with appropriate documentation also and therefore are the things you may develop and change yourself.
The Official Raspberry Pi Handbook 2023

The Official Raspberry Pi Handbook 2023
English | 204 pages | PDF | 29.9 MB
- QuickStart guide to setting up your Raspberry Pi computer.
- Make stuff with Raspberry Pi Pico W.
- Incredible projects built by the global Raspberry Pi community.
- Find the right kit and products for your dream builds.
- Get creating with our comprehensive tutorials and guides.
- Over 200 pages of essential advice!
Raspberry Pi For Beginners - 16th Edition 2023

Raspberry Pi For Beginners - 16th Edition 2023
English | 100 pages | PDF | 25.3 MB
Raspberry Pi For Beginners is the first and only choice if you want to learn everything about the Pi from the ground up - where the only limitation is your imagination. Learn how to build some amazing projects from a retro gaming console to a home entertainment system. The possibilities of the Raspberry Pi are endless and the best place to start is right here.
The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book Volume 5

The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book Volume 5
Year: 2019
Publisher: The MagPi
Language: English
Format: True PDF
Pages: 200
Size: 30.9 MB
The Raspberry Pi is loved the world over by educators and makers thanks to its tiny size and endless possibilities. Find out why it’s loved and how to use it with the latest official Projects Book - we’ve managed to stuff the fifth edition with another 200 pages of inspiring projects, practical tutorials, and definitive reviews.
The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book Volume 4

The Official Raspberry Pi Projects Book Volume 4
Year: 2018
Publisher: The MagPi
English language
Format: pdf
Pages: 200
Size: 17.5 MB
Every year it gets harder and harder to choose which projects to put into one of these Projects Books. Being so spoilt for choice though means that we’ve managed to compile an incredible list of projects, guides, and reviews for you.
The rest of this book’s 200 pages are stuffed with articles that will help Pi newbies and digital making experts alike, so there should be plenty for everyone.
Learn Arduino Sensor With Projects For Beginners

Learn Arduino Sensor With Projects For Beginners: A pratical hands on approch for Arduino sensor
Author: James Conner
Year: 2019
English language
Format: epub, pdf
Pages: 85
Size: 11.1 MB
Are you wondering on how to learn program Arduino boards ? do you have problem in selecting sensors for your projects? This book covers all the sensors available to work with arduino for the beginners to get started and become a pro within few days What this book covers for you? Arduino sensor, sensor projects, arduino projects for beginners, arduino for ham radio, learn arduino sensor, sensor.
Arduino for Beginners. Comprehensive Beginners Guide to Learn Arduino Programming Step by Step

Arduino for Beginners: Comprehensive Beginners Guide to Learn Arduino Programming Step by Step
Posted by Ethan Thorpe
Year: 2019
Publisher: Independently published
English language
Format: pdf (conv), azw3, epub
Pages: 100
Size: 10.1 MB
Quite a few technology boards are responsible for building digital devices. They are actually the bedrock of how these devices function. However, Arduino boards are making immense waves in the digital production world nowadays as it is now primarily used for creating digital devices as well as other interactive materials with the capacity to control things physically, around the human sphere. To make things more clear, this book will enlighten the readers to know more about what Arduino is all about and encourage the best practices for learning and executing Arduino programming from scratch.
Mastering the Arduino Uno R4

Mastering the Arduino Uno R4: programming and Projects for the Minima and WiFi
Author: Dogan Ibrahim
Year: 2023
Publisher: Elektor Publication
English language
Format: pdf
Pages: 325
Size: 18.5 MB
Based on the low-cost 8-bit ATmega328P processor, the Arduino Uno R3 board is likely to score as the most popular Arduino family member so far, and this workhorse has been with us for many years. Recently, the new Arduino Uno R4 was released, based on a 48-MHz, 32-bit Cortex-M4 processor with a huge amount of SRAM and flash memory. Additionally, a higher-precision ADC and a new DAC are added to the design. The new board also supports the CAN Bus with an interface.
Arduino for Musicians

Arduino for Musicians: A Complete Guide to Arduino and Teensy Microcontrollers
Posted by Brent Edstrom
Year: 2016
Publisher: Oxford University Press
English language
Format: pdf
Pages: 450
Size: 26.2 MB
In Arduino for Musicians, author and veteran music instructor Brent Edstrom opens the door to exciting and expressive instruments and control systems that respond to light, touch, pressure, breath, and other forms of real-time control. He provides a comprehensive guide to the underlying technologies enabling electronic musicians and technologists to tap into the vast creative potential of the platform.
Simple and Effective Strategies to Arduino Programming

Simple and Effective Strategies to Arduino Programming
Posted by Ethan Thorpe
Year: 2019
English language
Format: epub, pdf
Pages: 177
Size: 10.1 MB
This book is a complete step by step guide to get acquainted with the Arduino platform and learn how to program the Arduino boards. We will also teach you the C programming language used to program the microcontrollers and basic concepts of the programming.
Arduino: Advanced Methods and Strategies of Using Arduino

Arduino: Advanced Methods and Strategies of Using Arduino
Posted by Ethan Thorpe
Year: 2020
Publisher: Amazon.com Services LLC
Language: English
Format: epub, pdf
Pages: 148
Size: 25.4 Mb
The advanced Arduino book is designed for all those who love Arduino. As a part of the series publication on Arduino, this book has well-established techniques of exciting projects for those who want to go a step further. In the book, you will learn the control of LEDs, WiFi, audio management, and communications, as well as much more.
Agus Yulianto. Best Arduino Automation Project: Arduino Project Ideas for Automated System

Best Arduino Automation Project: Arduino Project Ideas for Automated System
Author: Agus Yulianto
Year: 2017
English language
Format: epub, azw3, pdf
Pages: 68
Size: 10 MB
Wouldn't it be great to be able to water your greenhouse from your armchair or open your garage door remotely?
Instead of letting your Arduino sit on a shelf gathering dust (we're all responsible for that now and again), make it the centrepiece of some home automation projects. We've put together this list of 13 to show you just what's possible.
Vico James. Get Started With Arduino

Get Started With Arduino
Author: Vico James
Year: 2020
Publisher: Amazon.com Services LLC
Language: English
Format: PDF
Pages: 180
Size: 55.1 Mb
- Build a four-legged walking robot.
- Create a Tetris-inspired clock.
- Grow your own vegetables with hydroponics.
- Make music with a DIY synthesizer.
- And so much more!
Мобильные роботы на базе Arduino (+file)

Мобильные роботы на базе Arduino (+file)
Автор: Момот М.В.
Год: 2017
Язык: русский
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 288
Размер: 62.9 Мб
Руководство для начинающих конструкторов написано в форме практических проектов по построению мобильных роботов. Для их реализации выбрана популярная платформа Arduino и единая базовая четырехколесная конструкция. Сложность проектов возрастает от простой, управляемой с пульта «машинки» до интеллектуального робота, самостоятельно играющего в кегельринг.
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