! Руководство по освоению Arduino

Руководство по освоению Arduino

Руководство по освоению Arduino
Руководство по освоению Arduino
Год: 2012
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 36
Размер: 10 Мб

Издание представляет собой русскоязычный перевод одного из документов по работе с набором ARDX (Starter Kit for Arduino), предназначенного для экспериментов с Arduino. В документации описано 12 простейших проектов, ориентированных на начальное знакомство с модулем Arduino. Основная цель этого набора – интересно и с пользой провести время. А помимо этого - освоить разнообразные электронные компоненты путем сборки небольших простых и интересных устройств. Вы получаете работающее устройство и инструмент, позволяющий понять принцип действия.

Controlling Motors: Book 3 of the Arduino Short Reads Series

Controlling Motors: Book 3 of the Arduino Short Reads Series

Controlling Motors: Book 3 of the Arduino Short Reads Series
Controlling Motors: Book 3 of the Arduino Short Reads Series | Gary Hallberg
English | 2020 | PDF, AZW3, EPUB | 81 Pages | 10 MB

This is the third book of the Arduino Short Reads series. This book takes a comprehensive look at how to control the many types of motor used in Arduino based projects. The book looks at the theory and operation of DC motors, servos and stepper motors. You will gain a solid understanding of how to safely interface these motors to your Arduino board without damaging it using transistors, H-Bridges and dedicated controllers such as the ULN2003 and L298N.

Raspberry Pi 4 Programming Made Simple For Beginners

Raspberry Pi 4 Programming Made Simple For Beginners

Raspberry Pi 4 Programming Made Simple For Beginners
Raspberry Pi 4 Programming Made Simple For Beginners: A Comprehensive Guide On How To Setup and Work With The Latest Raspberry Pi 4 and Develop 20 Cool Raspberry Pi 4 Projects | Jack Berg
English | 2020 | PDF, EPUB | 102 pages | 16.2 MB

Are you considering purchasing the latest version of Raspberry Pi, Raspberry Pi 4 or have probably purchased one and are curious to know how to make the most of it and possibly make out of this world custom projects?
And are you looking for a beginner friendly guide that will hold you by the hand throughout the process until you can confidently make simple to moderately challenging projects to serve different purposes?
If you’ve answered YES, keep reading...

Arduino meets MATLAB: Interfacing, Programs and Simulink

Arduino meets MATLAB: Interfacing, Programs and Simulink

Arduino meets MATLAB: Interfacing, Programs and Simulink
Arduino meets MATLAB: Interfacing, Programs and Simulink | Rajesh Singh, Anita Gehlot
English | 2018 | PDF, EPUB | 164 pages | 17 MB

This book provides a single platform for beginners in systems engineering to start Arduino interface projects with MATLAB. It covers the basics of the programming with Arduino and Arduino interfacing with MATLAB (with and without the use or I/O packages) in 3 sections, respectively.

Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide, 4th Edition

Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide, 4th Edition

Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide, 4th Edition
Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide, 4th Edition | Gareth Halfacree
English | 2020 | PDF | 252 pages | 22.4 MB

Fully updated for Raspberry Pi 400, Raspberry Pi 4, and the latest software, this 252-page official Raspberry Pi book is crammed with projects and beginner’s guides containing all the information you need to get started using your new computer! Learn how to set up your Raspberry Pi, install an operating system, and start using it.

Learn Electronics with Raspberry Pi (2nd Edition)

Learn Electronics with Raspberry Pi (2nd Edition)

Learn Electronics with Raspberry Pi (2nd Edition)
Learn Electronics with Raspberry Pi: Physical Computing with Circuits, Sensors, Outputs, and Projects. 2nd Edition | Stewart Watkiss
English | 2020 | PDF, EPUB | 394 pages | 23 MB

Updated for the recent Raspberry Pi boards, including the Raspberry Pi 4, this new edition offers an all new digital logic circuits project, explaining the theory behind how digital electronics work while creating a new project for measuring temperature.

Get started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico: The Official Raspberry Pi Pico Guide, 2nd Edition

Get started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico: The Official Raspberry Pi Pico Guide, 2nd Edition

Get started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico: The Official Raspberry Pi Pico Guide, 2nd Edition
Get started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico: The Official Raspberry Pi Pico Guide, 2nd Edition | Gareth Halfacree, Ben Everard
English | 2024 | EPUB | 13 MB

Throughout this book you’ll be learning all about Raspberry Pi Pico, but the skills you learn will also apply to any other development board based around its RP2040 microcontroller — and even other devices, so long as they are compatible with the MicroPython programming language.

Arduino: A quick start guide for beginners to Getting Started with Electronics and Coding

Arduino: A quick start guide for beginners to Getting Started with Electronics and Coding

Arduino: A quick start guide for beginners to Getting Started with Electronics and Coding
Arduino: A quick start guide for beginners to Getting Started with Electronics and Coding | Schmidt Tech guru
English | 2024 | PDF, EPUB | 163 pages | 10 MB

Gone are the days when you had to understand electrical theory and complex programming languages before you could even get an LED to blink.Readers with no electronics knowledge may make their own devices rapidly with the aid of this beginner's tutorial. This tutorial covers the fundamentals of hard work and software! includes step-by-step directions and photographs throughout, Real, practical examples and brief activities beside the text help you grasp.

The LEGO Arduino Cookbook

The LEGO Arduino Cookbook

The LEGO Arduino Cookbook
The LEGO Arduino Cookbook: Expanding the Realm of MINDSTORMS EV3 Invention | Grady Koch
English | 2020 | True PDF | 244 pages | 10 MB

Push into new fields of technology using LEGO and Arduino with the projects in this Cookbook. MINDSTORMS EV3 inventions don’t have to be confined to LEGO factory-made sensors. Incorporate a wide range of sensors, displays, LED arrays, actuators, and even a smartphone into your creations.

Конструируем роботов на Arduino. Первые шаги

Конструируем роботов на Arduino. Первые шаги

Конструируем роботов на Arduino. Первые шаги
Конструируем роботов на Arduino. Первые шаги | Бейктал Дж.
Год: 2016
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 323
Размер: 12.3 Мб

Это практическое руководство для тех, кто делает первые шаги в робототехнике на платформе Arduino. С этой книгой вы разберетесь в основах электроники, научитесь программировать в среде Arduino IDE, работать с печатными платами Arduino, инструментами, соблюдать правила безопасности и многому другому.

Управление модулем Arduino по Wi-Fi с мобильных устройств

Управление модулем Arduino по Wi-Fi с мобильных устройств

Белов А.В. Управление модулем Arduino по Wi-Fi с мобильных устройств
Управление модулем Arduino по Wi-Fi с мобильных устройств | Белов А.В.
Год: 2020
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 496
Размер: 47.2 Мб

Перед вами ИНТЕРАКТИВНЫЙ САМОУЧИТЕЛЬ с QR-кодами для перехода к приложениям и необходимым ресурсам. Сканер QR-кодов, установленный на смартфон или планшет, позволит при наведении гаджета на QR-код по ходу чтения книги перейти по необходимой ссылке. Это облегчает освоение программирования ARDUINO, позволяет устанавливать нужные Приложения и пр.

Raspberry Pi: 101 The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Raspberry Pi: 101 The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Raspberry Pi: 101 The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide
Raspberry Pi: 101 The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide (DIY Robotics & Automation)
English | 2025 | PDF, EPUB | 81 pages | 10.1 MB

Unlock the exciting world of robotics and automation with the ultimate beginner’s guide to Raspberry Pi! Whether you’re an aspiring maker, hobbyist, or tech enthusiast, this eBook will take you step-by-step through the process of building your own robots and smart systems using the affordable and powerful Raspberry Pi. No prior experience is necessary – this guide makes complex concepts easy to understand and fun to apply, giving you the skills to bring your projects to life.

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B User Guide

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B User Guide

Raspberry Pi 4 Model B User Guide
Raspberry Pi 4 Model B User Guide: A Newbie to Expert Guide to operate your new Raspbery Pi 4 Model B Computer | Gilbert A. Hunter
English | 2020 | PDF, AZW3, EPUB | 213 pages | 10.1 MB

The raspberry pi 4 Model B creates a friendly platform to allow you start your programming with Scratch and Python and carry out amazing projects. Amateur tech enthusiasts use Pi boards as media centers, file servers, retro games consoles, routers, and network-leveload-blockers, for starters. With the Pi 4 Model B being faster, able to decode 4K video, benefiting from faster storage via USB 3.0, and faster network connections via true Gigabit Ethernet, the door is open to many new uses.

Arduino App Bluetooth Robotics

Arduino App Bluetooth Robotics

Arduino App Bluetooth Robotics
Arduino App Bluetooth Robotics | Dr Kesorn Pechrach Weaver
English | 2019 | PDF | 37 pages | 10.1 MB

This book would show step by step create a mobile App to control Arduino robotics using Bluetooth. This is one of the handbooks for the “Educational Robotics”, which used to teach the robotics class to students from 8 years old to 16 years old. There are 5 chapters in this book starts from creating APP on mobile, programming, circuit, code and testing. This book would be useful not only to the children, but also their parents enjoy their family time to create their own robotics.

Arduino, датчики и сети для связи устройств (2-е изд.+ code)

Arduino, датчики и сети для связи устройств (2-е изд.+ code)

Том Иго. Arduino, датчики и сети для связи устройств (2-е изд.+ code)
Arduino, датчики и сети для связи устройств (2-е изд.+ code) Том Иго
Год: 2015
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 540
Размер: 265.5 Мб

В книге рассмотрено 33 несложных проекта, в которых показано, как сделать таким образом, чтобы электронные устройства могли взаимодействовать с вами, окружающей средой и друг с другом. Вы научитесь создавать сети интеллектуальных устройств, которые обмениваются данными и реагируют на команды.

Sanjib Acharya - Begin with Arduino

Sanjib Acharya - Begin with Arduino

Sanjib Acharya - Begin with Arduino
Begin with Arduino | Sanjib Acharya
English | 2020 | PDF, EPUB | 162 pages | 25.7 MB

Arduino is a popular, low-cost platform, which is an excellent introduction to the world of electronics and programming for a beginner. As the Arduino platform is designed to be user friendly even for a school student, without prior knowledge of electronics engineering or programming knowledge, the students in the middle or high school could grasp the concepts of programming using Arduino with ease.

Arduino Without Prior Knowledge: Create your own first project within 7 days

Arduino Without Prior Knowledge: Create your own first project within 7 days

Arduino Without Prior Knowledge: Create your own first project within 7 days
Arduino Without Prior Knowledge: Create your own first project within 7 days | Benjamin Spahic
English | 2020 | PDF, AZW3, EPUB | 114 pages | 32.4 MB

Would you like to understand electrical circuits and be able to program your own microcontroller? No problem – with the help of this beginner's guide, you will be able to understand the basic of the Arduino platform in no time at all. This guide covers the basics of hard and software! Real practical examples and small exercises alongside the text help you understand.

The Topmost Beginners Guide To Arduino

The Topmost Beginners Guide To Arduino

The Topmost Beginners Guide To Arduino
The Topmost Beginners Guide To Arduino - Learn How To Get Ongoing With Arduino Programming Projects And More!
English | 2020 | PDF, AZW3, EPUB | 10 MB

In this book we will look at the Arduino as well as several other alternatives. We will talk about what you can do with it and you can’t and even show you some cool projects that you can crate using this technology. So if you are someone looking to adventure out into the world so science and technology and are not scared to get your hands dirty go ahead and start learning about this cool piece of technology.

Raspberry Pi: Tips and Tricks to Learn Raspberry Pi Programming

Raspberry Pi: Tips and Tricks to Learn Raspberry Pi Programming

Raspberry Pi: Tips and Tricks to Learn Raspberry Pi Programming
Raspberry Pi: Tips and Tricks to Learn Raspberry Pi Programming | Logan Pratt
English | 2020 | PDF, EPUB | 104 pages | 10 MB

This book will help you learn tips and tricks for Raspberry Pi programming.
It covers all the important information about the components of Raspberry Pi, like RAM, SD Card, Radio, USB Controller, PMIC, ports, and peripherals. You will learn how to start with Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ and organize the equipment correctly. It has been designed to assist you in installing Raspberry Pi and also covers setting up Raspberry Pi for first-time use.

Raspberry PI: A complete guide to start learning RaspberryPi on your own

Raspberry PI: A complete guide to start learning RaspberryPi on your own

Raspberry PI: A complete guide to start learning RaspberryPi on your own
Raspberry PI: A complete guide to start learning RaspberryPi on your own. Learn an easy way to setup and build your projects, avoid common mistakes, and develop solid skills in computer technology | Michail Kolling
English | 2020 | PDF, AZW3, EPUB | 70 pages | 10.1 MB

An easily comprehensible and beginner-friendly guide for anyone adamant in not only learning more about the inner workings and creation of a Raspberry Pi but also on how one can develop solid skills in building these single-board computers, alongside developing skills in computer technology in general.

Sensor Projects with Raspberry Pi: Internet of Things and Digital Image Processing, 2nd Edition

Sensor Projects with Raspberry Pi: Internet of Things and Digital Image Processing, 2nd Edition

Sensor Projects with Raspberry Pi: Internet of Things and Digital Image Processing, 2nd Edition
Sensor Projects with Raspberry Pi: Internet of Things and Digital Image Processing, 2nd Edition | Guillermo Guillen
English | 2024 | PDF | Pages: 253 | 10 MB

Use Python to develop Rasperry Pi projects to solve common digital image processing and IoT problems. Using a free IoT server you’ll tackle fundamental topics and concepts behind theses two areas.
This second edition includes new content on Artificial Intelligence and updated sensor guidance to help you better explore virtual animations, create a homemade spectrometer, and master object classification with Edge Impulse.

Raspberry Pi Hardware Projects Vol. 2

Raspberry Pi Hardware Projects Vol. 2

Raspberry Pi Hardware Projects Vol. 2
Raspberry Pi Hardware Projects Vol. 2 | Andrew Robinson, Mike Cook
English | 2014 | True PDF | 143 pages | 16.5 Mb

YOU’VE GOT A Raspberry Pi — now what? This book has the answer; it’s packed full of fun Raspberry Pi projects to inspire you. From getting your Pi generating comedy insults, controlling slot cars and drawing roto-sketches to building your own harmonograph, prepare to be entertained and amazed by your credit card–sized computer. One word of warning: After you start you might never stop! Electronics and coding can be addictive; who knows what you might go on to make with the skills you learn from this book.

Винницкий Ю.А., Поляков К.Ю. Конструируем роботов на ScratchDuino. Первые шаги (3-е изд.)

Винницкий Ю.А., Поляков К.Ю. Конструируем роботов на ScratchDuino. Первые шаги (3-е изд.)

Винницкий Ю.А., Поляков К.Ю. Конструируем роботов на ScratchDuino. Первые шаги (3-е изд.)
Конструируем роботов на ScratchDuino. Первые шаги (3-е изд.) | Винницкий Ю.А., Поляков К.Ю.
Год: 2020
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 119
Размер: 10 Мб

Тем, кто уже освоил начальные ступени робототехнического творчества и хочет двигаться дальше, открывая для себя безграничные возможности робототехники, мы предлагаем познакомиться с новой платформой, которая называется «ScratchDuino».

Raspberry Pi 4 Beginners User Guide

Raspberry Pi 4 Beginners User Guide

Raspberry Pi 4 Beginners User Guide
Raspberry Pi 4 Beginners User Guide: Master The Tips and Strategies to Set Up Raspberry Pi Projects | Alex Peterson
English | 2020 | PDF, AZW3, EPUB | 23.5 MB

This book contains every detail that you will need to know in order to make the most from this very amazing device, especially as a programmer and web designer. If you have been finding it difficult navigating the enormous functions of this device, especially when it comes to programming, and how to use Python, this book will put you through the simplest and most basic languages.

50 Interesting Raspberry Pi Project

50 Interesting Raspberry Pi Project

50 Interesting Raspberry Pi Project
50 Interesting Raspberry Pi Project | Richard Morton
English | 2025 | PDF, EPUB | 452 pages | 10 MB

If you're a tech enthusiast, hobbyist, or just someone who loves tinkering with gadgets, 50 Interesting Raspberry Pi Projects is an absolute must-read. This book is packed with creative, practical, and fun projects that push the boundaries of what you can do with a Raspberry Pi.