Arduino для начинающих: самый простой пошаговый самоучитель

Arduino для начинающих: самый простой пошаговый самоучитель

Стюарт Ярнольд. Arduino для начинающих: самый простой пошаговый самоучитель
Arduino для начинающих: самый простой пошаговый самоучитель | Стюарт Ярнольд
Год: 2017
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 256
Размер: 10.1 Мб

Самый простой и понятный самоучитель по Arduino для тех, кто делает первые шаги в работе с легендарными платами. В книге читатели найдут массу полезной информации и ценных рекомендаций, облегчающих процесс обучения. С этим самоучителем любой может освоить основы электротехники и научиться работать с компонентами и платами, а также программировать их, создавать скетчи и классные проекты легко и быстро!

Vintage Upcycling With Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Vintage Upcycling With Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Vintage Upcycling With Raspberry Pi and Arduino
Vintage Upcycling With Raspberry Pi and Arduino | Enrico Miglino
English | 2021 | PDF (conv.) | 130 pages | 10.1 MB

From the 1970's design desk lamp up to the Radio Magic audio projects, an inspiring guide on vintage upcycling for makers. The projects are based on the articles published by the author on "The Shed" magazine and award-winning projects from the "Project14" challenges. This book has been realised with the support and contribution of The Shed Magazine, Altium Designer, and Elegoo.

Multitasking with Raspberry Pi

Multitasking with Raspberry Pi

Dogan Ibrahim. Multitasking with Raspberry Pi
Multitasking with Raspberry Pi | Dogan Ibrahim
English | 2020 | True PDF | 231 pages | 10.1 MB

This book is project-based and its main aim is to teach the basic features of multitasking using the Python 3 programming language on Raspberry Pi. Many fully tested projects are provided in the book using the multitasking modules of Python. Each project is described fully and in detail.

Raspberry Pi 4 Ultimate Guide: From Beginner to Pro: Everything You Need to Know

Raspberry Pi 4 Ultimate Guide: From Beginner to Pro: Everything You Need to Know

Raspberry Pi 4 Ultimate Guide: From Beginner to Pro: Everything You Need to Know
Raspberry Pi 4 Ultimate Guide: From Beginner to Pro: Everything You Need to Know | Ethan J. Upton
English | 2019 | EPUB, PDF, FB2 | 10.1 MB

This practical guide of the Raspberry-Pi 4 is a document that aims to help you get to know and master your Raspberry-Pi 4 a lot better. To do this, the guide steers you step by step to begin and then implement as easily as possible many practical and inexpensive achievements!

Raspberry Pi Robotic Projects. Third Edition

Raspberry Pi Robotic Projects. Third Edition

Raspberry Pi Robotic Projects. Third Edition
Raspberry Pi Robotic Projects. Third Edition. Work through a mix of amazing robotic projects using the Raspberry Pi Zero or the Raspberry Pi 3 | Richard Grimmett
English | 2016 | PDF | 232 pages | 10.1 MB

This book will allow you to take full advantage of Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi 3 by building both simple and complex robotic projects. The book takes a mission-critical approach to show you how to build amazing robots and helps you decide which board to use for which type of robot. The book puts a special emphasis on designing mobile (or movable) robots using the Raspberry Pi Zero. The projects will show inexpensive, yet powerful, ways to take full advantage. It will teach you how to program Raspberry Pi, control the movement of your robot, and add features to your robots.

The Official Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide, 5th Edition

The Official Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide, 5th Edition

The Official Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide: How to use your new computer, 5th Edition
The Official Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide: How to use your new computer, 5th Edition | Gareth Halfacree
English | 2023 | Pages: 290 | True PDF | 10 MB

With a Raspberry Pi you can get right into the heart of a computer. You get to set up your own operating system, and can connect wires and circuits directly to its GPIO pins. It was designed to teach young people how to program in languages like Scratch and Python, and all the major programming languages are included with the official operating system. With Raspberry Pi Pico, you can create unobtrusive, low-power projects that interact with the physical world.

Arduino and Raspberry Pi Sensor Projects for the Evil Genius

Arduino and Raspberry Pi Sensor Projects for the Evil Genius

Arduino and Raspberry Pi Sensor Projects for the Evil Genius
Arduino and Raspberry Pi Sensor Projects for the Evil Genius | Robert Chin
English | 2017 | PDF | Pages: 237 | 10.1 MB

Fiendishly Clever Sensor Projects for Your Arduino and Raspberry Pi. Learn to quickly build your own electronic gadgets that monitor, measure, and react to the real world - with no prior experience required! This easy-to-follow guide covers the programming and electronics essentials needed to build fun and educational sensor-based projects with both Arduino and Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi - Telegram Bot, GPS Module, Flex Sensor, Line Follower Robot, Infrared Sensor, Smart Phone Controlled Home Automation, Motion Sensor Alarm, Torrentbox, Voice Typing on 16x2 LCD etc

Raspberry Pi - Telegram Bot, GPS Module, Flex Sensor, Line Follower Robot, Infrared Sensor, Smart Phone Controlled Home Automation, Motion Sensor Alarm, Torrentbox, Voice Typing on 16x2 LCD etc

Raspberry Pi - Telegram Bot, GPS Module, Flex Sensor, Line Follower Robot, Infrared Sensor, Smart Phone Controlled Home Automation, Motion Sensor Alarm, Torrentbox, Voice Typing on 16x2 LCD etc
Raspberry Pi - Telegram Bot, GPS Module, Flex Sensor, Line Follower Robot, Infrared Sensor, Smart Phone Controlled Home Automation, Motion Sensor Alarm, Torrentbox, Voice Typing on 16x2 LCD etc. | Anbazhagan K.
English | 2019 | pdf, azw3, epub | 17.2 MB

Raspberry Pi has some good times and simple to fabricate ventures. Its ground-breaking ARM design and open-source Linux based Operating System has help us a ton in getting our tasks online right away. In this instructional exercise we will become familiar with another intriguing method to share information (documents/photographs/recordings/sounds/content) between Raspberry Pi and our Mobile telephone through a prevalent talk application called Telegram.

Mastering Raspberry Pi 4 Projects in 1 Hour

Mastering Raspberry Pi 4 Projects in 1 Hour

Mastering Raspberry Pi 4 Projects in 1 Hour
Mastering Raspberry Pi 4 Projects in 1 Hour: A simple Guide to Program, Develop and Setup Unique Projects on Raspberry Pi 4 | Colin Schmitt
English | 2020 | PDF, EPUB | 16.6 MB

Without a doubt, the Raspberry Pi 4 is a versatile and useful device. You certainly have known more about the Raspberry Pi and its uses, it is worth every penny, it provides you with an avenue where you can play games, create software programs, develop games and numerous other function you’ll do on a PC. However, navigating your way through the Raspberry pi to get what you want out of it can be a daunting task. This is exactly what this book is written to address. It provides a seamless step-by-step guide to set up and use your Raspberry Pi 4.

The Official Raspberry Pi Camera Module Guide: For Raspberry Pi Camera Modules, 2nd Edition

The Official Raspberry Pi Camera Module Guide: For Raspberry Pi Camera Modules, 2nd Edition

The Official Raspberry Pi Camera Module Guide: For Raspberry Pi Camera Modules, 2nd Edition
The Official Raspberry Pi Camera Module Guide: For Raspberry Pi Camera Modules, 2nd Edition | David Plowman
English | 2024 | EPUB | 36.1 MB

Take pictures and shoot video with your Raspberry Pi.
Connecting the official High Quality Camera, Camera Module, or Global Shutter Camera turns your favourite credit-card-sized computer into a powerful digital camera. Learn how to set up and control the camera to capture stills and video footage.

Mastering Arduino Programming: A Quick Guide to Arduino Programming with Simple Do it yourself Projects

Mastering Arduino Programming: A Quick Guide to Arduino Programming with Simple Do it yourself Projects

Mastering Arduino Programming: A Quick Guide to Arduino Programming with Simple Do it yourself Projects
Mastering Arduino Programming: A Quick Guide to Arduino Programming with Simple Do it yourself Projects | Daniel Stones
English | 2020 | PDF, EPUB | 10 MB

This beginners guide to Arduino offers you a learning method that will allow you to get started in Arduino in a short period of time. Our experience has shown us that the best way to learn is to do it while you entertain yourself and with a methodology that progressively teaches you all the concepts about what you want to learn.

ESP32 Development using the Arduino IDE

ESP32 Development using the Arduino IDE

ESP32 Development using the Arduino IDE
ESP32 Development using the Arduino IDE | Iain Hendry
English | 2019 | PDF, EPUB | 10.1 MB

This book is designed to help readers to get started with Arduino development on ESP32 boards. ESP32 is a series of low-cost, low-power system on a chip microcontrollers with integrated Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth.

Программирование микроконтроллерных плат Arduino/Freeduino + СD (2-е издание)

Программирование микроконтроллерных плат Arduino/Freeduino + СD (2-е издание)

Программирование микроконтроллерных плат Arduino/Freeduino + СD (2-е издание)
Программирование микроконтроллерных плат Arduino/Freeduino + CD (2-е изд.) | Улли Соммер
Год: 2017
Серия: Электроника
Язык: русский
Формат: djvu + CD
Страниц: 256
Размер: 349.4 Мб

Рассмотрено программирование микроконтроллерных плат Arduino/Genuino/Freeduino. Описана структура и функционирование микроконтроллеров, среда программирования Arduino, необходимые инструменты и комплектующие для проведения экспериментов. Во втором издании рассмотрена русскоязычная версия Arduino IDE, добавлена информация об особенностях использования кириллических символов, а также исправлены опечатки в программном коде.

Робототехника на Raspberry Pi для юных конструкторов и программистов

Робототехника на Raspberry Pi для юных конструкторов и программистов

Робототехника на Raspberry Pi для юных конструкторов и программистов
Робототехника на Raspberry Pi для юных конструкторов и программистов | Мэтт Тиммонс-Браун
Год: 2020
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf, djvu
Страниц: 201
Размер: 10 Мб

Книга написана создателем самого популярного в мире YouTube-канала, посвященного Raspberry Pi. В ней рассматривается конструирование игровых роботов на базе микрокомпьютера Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 2

Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 2

Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 2
Raspberry Pi Annual Volume 2
English | 2015 | pdf | 177 pages | 11.5 mb

In this book we'll show you how to set up, supercharge and hack your Pi. We'll demonstrate how to start programming with Python. If you've ever wanted to build your own Raspberry Pi robots, we have all the tutorial files you'll need.

Программирование микроконтроллерных плат Arduino/Freeduino (+CD)

Программирование микроконтроллерных плат Arduino/Freeduino (+CD)

Программирование микроконтроллерных плат Arduino/Freeduino (+CD)
Программирование микроконтроллерных плат Arduino / Freeduino (+CD) | Улли Соммер
Год: 2012
Язык: русский
Формат: pdf, iso
Страниц: 238
Размер: 502.3 Мб

Рассмотрено программирование микроконтроллерных плат Arduino/Freduino. Описана структура и функционирование микроконтроллеров, среда программирования Arduino, необходимые инструменты и комплектующие для проведения экспериментов.

Advanced Raspberry Pi. Raspbian Linux and GPIO Integration

Advanced Raspberry Pi. Raspbian Linux and GPIO Integration

Advanced Raspberry Pi. Raspbian Linux and GPIO Integration
Advanced Raspberry Pi. Raspbian Linux and GPIO Integration | Warren Gay
English | 2018 | PDF, EPUB | 20.5 MB

Jump right into the pro-level guts of the Raspberry Pi with complete schematics and detailed hardware explanations as your guide. You'll tinker with runlevels, reporting voltages and temperatures, and work on a variety of project examples that you can tune for your own project ideas.

Arduino for Dummies. Steps to Learn Arduino Programming and The Fundamental Electronic Concepts

Arduino for Dummies. Steps to Learn Arduino Programming and The Fundamental Electronic Concepts

Arduino for Dummies. Steps to Learn Arduino Programming and The Fundamental Electronic Concepts
Arduino for Dummies. Steps to Learn Arduino Programming and The Fundamental Electronic Concepts | Lisa Din
English | 2020 | PDF, MOBI. EPUB | 10,1 MB

Arduino is an open-source gadgets stage in view of simple to-utilize equipment and programming. Arduino sheets can read inputs - light on a sensor, a finger on a catch, or a Twitter message - and transform it into a yield - actuating an engine, turning on a LED, distributing something on the web. You can advise your board what to do by sending an arrangement of guidelines to the microcontroller on the board. To do as such you utilize the Arduino programming dialect (in light of Wiring), and the Arduino Software (IDE), in view of Processing.

Raspberry Pi 4 2020 Beginners Guide : A Complete 2020 Manual to get started with Raspberry pi 4 Projects

Raspberry Pi 4 2020 Beginners Guide : A Complete 2020 Manual to get started with Raspberry pi 4 Projects

Raspberry Pi 4 2020 Beginners Guide : A Complete 2020 Manual to get started with Raspberry pi 4 Projects
Raspberry Pi 4 2020 Beginners Guide : A Complete 2020 Manual to get started with Raspberry pi 4 Projects | Ted Humphrey
English | 2020 | PDF, EPUB, AZW3 | 89 Pages | 10.24 MB

The main aim of this guide is to help beginners get a good grasp of programming with Raspberry. Users don’t need to have any knowledge of programming before they can benefit immensely from this guide. The book takes you through the world of Raspberry pi – starting from its evolution- and covers various advancements that have been done with the pi.

Expanding Your Raspberry Pi: Storage, printing, peripherals, and network connections for your Raspberry Pi

Expanding Your Raspberry Pi: Storage, printing, peripherals, and network connections for your Raspberry Pi

Expanding Your Raspberry Pi: Storage, printing, peripherals, and network connections for your Raspberry Pi
Expanding Your Raspberry Pi: Storage, printing, peripherals, and network connections for your Raspberry Pi | Mark Edward Soper
English | 2017 | True PDF | 213 pages | 10 MB

Gain a deeper understanding of how Raspberry Pi works to get the results you want right in the palm of your hand. This book helps you understand the right connections and software to drive your Raspberry Pi into opening the worlds of programming, electronic experiments, system control, digital imaging, and the Internet of Things to you.

Arduino IR Remote Control, LED Scroll Bar, Digital Clock with Alarm, ATmega328 Chip, Servo Motor Control etc.

Arduino IR Remote Control, LED Scroll Bar, Digital Clock with Alarm, ATmega328 Chip, Servo Motor Control etc.

Arduino IR Remote Control, LED Scroll Bar, Digital Clock with Alarm, ATmega328 Chip, Servo Motor Control etc.
Arduino IR Remote Control, LED Scroll Bar, Digital Clock with Alarm, ATmega328 Chip, Servo Motor Control etc. | Anbazhagan K., Ambika Parameswari K.
English | 2019 | PDF, EPUB | 11.4 MB

The Internet of Things (IOT) is a perplexing idea comprised of numerous PCs and numerous correspondence ways. Some IOT gadgets are associated with the Internet and some are most certainly not. Some IOT gadgets structure swarms that convey among themselves. Some are intended for a solitary reason, while some are increasingly universally useful PCs. This book is intended to demonstrate to you the IOT from the back to front. By structure IOT gadgets, the per user will comprehend the essential ideas and will almost certainly develop utilizing the rudiments to make his or her very own IOT applications.

Arduino Unlocked: A Beginner's Guide to Programming, A Journey into Creative Electronics

Arduino Unlocked: A Beginner's Guide to Programming, A Journey into Creative Electronics

Arduino Unlocked: A Beginner's Guide to Programming, A Journey into Creative Electronics
Arduino Unlocked: A Beginner's Guide to Programming, A Journey into Creative Electronics | Mason Scott
English | 2024 | PDF, AZW3, EPUB, MOBI | 10.1 MB

Arduino Unlocked: A Beginner's Guide to Programming: A Journey into Creative Electronics" is an excellent place for someone to start if they want to learn more about the field of creative electronics. This tutorial, which was created with novices in mind, simplifies the fundamentals of hardware integration and Arduino programming and provides clear, concise instructions that make learning fun and approachable. With the help of this book, you can take charge of your projects and realize your ideas, regardless of your level of experience with coding or growing interest in electronics.

Петин В.В. , Биняковский А.А. Практическая энциклопедия Arduino (2-е изд.)

Петин В.В. , Биняковский А.А. Практическая энциклопедия Arduino (2-е изд.)

Петин В.В. , Биняковский А.А. Практическая энциклопедия Arduino (2-е изд.)
Практическая энциклопедия Arduino, 2-е изд. | Петин В.В. , Биняковский А.А.
Год: 2020
Формат: pdf
Страниц: 166
Размер: 14.7 Мб

Книга представляет собой набор из 33 глав-экспериментов. В каждом эксперименте рассмотрена работа платы Arduino c определенным электронным компонентом или модулем, начиная с самых простых и заканчивая сложными, представляющими собой самостоятельные специализированные устройства. В каждой главе представлен список деталей, необходимых для практического проведения эксперимента.

Arduino Software Internals, 2nd Edition

Arduino Software Internals, 2nd Edition

Arduino Software Internals, 2nd Edition
Arduino Software Internals: A Complete Guide to How Your Arduino Language and Hardware Work Together, 2nd Edition | Norman Dunbar
English | 2024 | PDF, EPUB | Pages: 334 | 10 MB

"It's not enough to just build your Arduino projects; it's time to actually learn how things work!" This book goes beyond the basics, providing a comprehensive understanding of Arduino software and hardware, as well as how they intertwine. Gain valuable insights into the inner workings of Arduino and its language, and discover how to communicate with the microcontroller in its native language, AVR C++. Explore the latest version (0.30.0) which offers a multitude of configuration options that can be conveniently modified using the command-line interface (CLI).

Петин В.А., Биняковский А.А. Практическая энциклопедия Arduino

Петин В.А., Биняковский А.А. Практическая энциклопедия Arduino

Петин В.А., Биняковский А.А. Практическая энциклопедия Arduino
Практическая энциклопедия Arduino | Петин В.А., Биняковский А.А.
Год: 2017
Формат: djvu
Страниц: 152
Размер: 48 Мб

В книге обобщаются данные по основным компонентам конструкций на основе платформы Arduino, которую представляет самая массовая на сегодняшний день версия ArduinoUNO или аналогичные ей многочисленные клоны. Книга представляет собой набор из 33 глав-экспериментов. В каждом эксперименте рассмотрена работа платы Arduino с определенным электронным компонентом или модулем, начиная с самых простых и заканчивая сложными, представляющими собой самостоятельные специализированные устройства.