Antennas. Second Edition

This text is for the course on antennas offered to the senior/graduate level by most electrical engineering departments. It will also appeal to practicing engineers working on antenna development. The text explains both the basic theory of antennas and its application to practical designs.
It provides comprehensive coverage and is replete with interesting worked examples and challenging problem sets. The revision represents a thorough updating of material and now includes BASIC programs which can be used for antenna design and computational techniques.
Summary of the book
Bask Antenna Concepts
Point Sources
The Electric Dipole and Thin Linear Antennas
The Loop Antenna
The Binonical Antenna and Its Impedance
The Cylindriical Antenna. The Moment Method (MM)
Self and Mutual Impedances.
Arrays of Dipoles of Apertures
Reflector Antennas and Thier Feed Systems
Slot, Horn and Complementary Antennas
Lens Antennas
Broadband and Frequency-Independent Antennas
Antennas for Special Applications: Feeding Considerations
Antenna Temperature, Remote Sensing, Radar and Scattering
Antenna Measurements
Point Sources
The Electric Dipole and Thin Linear Antennas
The Loop Antenna
The Binonical Antenna and Its Impedance
The Cylindriical Antenna. The Moment Method (MM)
Self and Mutual Impedances.
Arrays of Dipoles of Apertures
Reflector Antennas and Thier Feed Systems
Slot, Horn and Complementary Antennas
Lens Antennas
Broadband and Frequency-Independent Antennas
Antennas for Special Applications: Feeding Considerations
Antenna Temperature, Remote Sensing, Radar and Scattering
Antenna Measurements
Appendix A. Tables for Reference
Appendix B. Computer Programs (Codes)
Appendix C. Books and Video Tapes
Appendix D. Answers to Starred Problems
Appendix E. Problem Supplement
Appendix B. Computer Programs (Codes)
Appendix C. Books and Video Tapes
Appendix D. Answers to Starred Problems
Appendix E. Problem Supplement
Title: Antennas. Second Edition
Author: John D. Kraus
Year: 1988
Publisher: McGraw-Hill College
Language: English
Format: pdf
Pages: 921
Size: 22.4 Mb
Download John D. Kraus. Antennas. Second Edition
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