Digital Engineering: Complex System Design

Digital Engineering: Complex System Design

Digital Engineering: Complex System Design | S. Mathioudakis
English | 2024 | PDF, EPUB, MOBI | 10.7 MB

This text book offers the reader an overview into creating a computer from an electrical design perspective. Throughout the book are a number of diagrams explaining how a computer would be designed as a circuit. The expectation of the author is to simplify the process of designing computers by explaining how it would be possible to implement a simple process. The book itself looks at a 16 bit computer with a few sets of instructions. Detailing the processes involved in design.

The edition of this book takes the concept of embedded circuits to a higher level of functionality. The text is aimed at the design of a computer system from the concept of digital logic to the design of FPGAs ad CPUs. The text offers a detailed look at the circuitry needed to design a computer from an electrical and electronic perspective.

Suitable for those who are ready to design and program their own system.

The book covers the following topics:
Combinational circuits
Instruction addressing
Digital techniques
Systems with memory
Arithmetic unit design
Control unit approaches
I/O interfaces
Sound and visual processing
CPU and FPGA design

Part 1: Combinational Systems and Procedures
Chapter 1 Combinational Digital Circuits
Chapter 2 Digital Circuits with Memory
Chapter 3 Instructions and Addressing
Chapter 4 Procedures, Datasets and Routines

Part 2: Designing Structures in a Computer System
Chapter 5 Simple ALUs
Chapter 6 Mathematical Procedures
Chapter 7 Fetch Decode Cycle
Chapter 8 Control Unit Stages and Interfacing
Chapter 9 Input Output Systems
Chapter 10 Designing I/O Procedures
Chapter 11 Sound on an 8 bit System
Chapter 12 Display and Image Processing

Part 3: CPU Structures and Design
Chapter 13 Designing a Simple CPU
Chapter 14 Designing an FPGA System

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