Источники питания
Электроника, электрика

Digital Circuits Laboratory Manual

Farzin Asadi. Digital Circuits Laboratory Manual

Digital Circuits Laboratory Manual
Author: Farzin Asadi
Year: 2024
Publisher: Springer
English language
Format: pdf (true)
Pages: 260
Size: 13.6 MB

This book introduces the basic building blocks of digital systems and how these blocks can be used to design a digital system. It can be used as a laboratory manual for courses such as Digital Logic and Digital Electronics. All of the experiments in this book can be done in a simulation environment like: Proteus or NI MultiSim or on the breadboard in a real laboratory environment.

This book can be used as a laboratory manual for any standard textbook on digital electronics. You can make the circuits on breadboard or you can use a simulation software like Proteus to simulate the circuits.

This book is composed of 11 chapters. Here is a brief summary of each chapter:
Chapter 1 is an Introduction to Digital Systems.
Chapter 2 contains experiments related to Logic Gates and Combinational Logic Circuits.
Chapter 3 contains experiments related to Digital Arithmetic.
Chapter 4 contains experiments related to Multiplexers and De-multiplexers.
Chapter 5 contains experiments related to Encoders and Decoders.
Chapter 6 contains experiments related to Display Information on Seven Segments.
Chapter 7 contains experiments related to Latches, Flip Flops and Shift Registers.
Chapter 8 contains experiments related to Frequency Division with Flip Flops.
Chapter 9 contains experiments related to Counter Circuits.
Chapter 10 contains experiments related to Oscillator Circuits.
Chapter 11 contains experiments related to Analog-to-Digital and Digital-to-Analog.

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