Electronics Maker - 05.2022

Electronics Maker - 05.2022

Electronics Maker is published by EM Media LLP. (INDIA) since 1996 is the most popular electronics monthly journal covering news, updates, launches, trends, technologies, viewpoints from all around electronics world. Today our publication is circulate more than 70,000 copies (India + International) and having readership up to HALF million. Most importantly we are publishing the contents taking care of industry needs and readers interest. Our expert team brings the innovations through an intense research in the field. Enjoy Reading.

Read in the number

The emerging technology of Wide Band Gap SiC and GaN transistors.
Innovative silicon solution tor highest PFC efficiency.
Planning for Success in Real-Time Acoustic Processing.
Seeking Validation: Over-the-Air 5G Testing.
5G mmWave network advantage - How to measure it right.
Robotics Technology just an opportunity not the replacement.
RF Based Wireless Remote Control Circuit.
How to Simplify Healthcare Devices with Cellular Connectivity.
Blockchain-lntegrated Internet of Nano Things Can't Be Stopped.
India's race to Quantum Supremacy.


English | 43 Pages | PDF | 36.7 MB

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