Starting with Raspberry Pi
Title: Starting with Raspberry Pi: An Easy-to-Follow Guide to Setting Up and Configuring Your First Pi
Author: Barrett Williams
Year: 2023
Publisher: Independently published
English language
Format: pdf
Pages: 142
Size: 19.1 MB
UEnter the fascinating world of Raspberry Pi with this comprehensive and captivating eBook, "Starting with Raspberry Pi." Explore the limitless possibilities as you learn to harness the true power of this versatile, compact computer. Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned programmer, this eBook is designed to guide you every step of the way in your Raspberry Pi journey.
Dive into 25 engaging chapters that will captivate your interest, from the basics of choosing the right Raspberry Pi model to exploring advanced projects incorporating Machine Learning and virtual reality. This definitive guide covers everything you need to know, including essential hardware, setting up the operating system, connecting to Wi-Fi and the internet, using GPIO pins, and more.
Download : Starting with Raspberry Pi: An Easy-to-Follow Guide to Setting Up and Configuring Your First Pi
~ Turbobit
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