Simple Arduino Ongoing Face Detection and Tracking Robot, Audio Player, Bluetooth Biped Bob

Simple Arduino Ongoing Face Detection and Tracking Robot, Audio Player, Bluetooth Biped Bob

Ever needed to manufacture a Face Tracking Robotic Arm or Robot by basically utilizing Arduino and no other programming like OpenCV, visual fundamentals C# and so on? At that point read along, in this venture we are gonna to execute face location by mixing in the intensity of Arduino and Android. In this undertaking, the portable camera will move alongside your face with the assistance of servos. The benefit of utilizing the Android Mobile Phone here is that you don't have to contribute on a camera module and the entire picture discovery work should be possible in the telephone itself, you needn't bother with your Arduino associated with your PC for this to work. Here we have utilized Bluetooth Module with Arduino to speak with Mobile remotely.

A seismic tremor is an eccentric cataclysmic event that makes harm lives and property. It happens all of a sudden and we can't stop it however we can be alarmed from it. In the present time, there are numerous innovations which can be utilized to distinguish the little shakes and thumps, with the goal that we can avoid potential risk before some significant vibrations in earth. Here we are utilizing Accelerometer ADXL335 to identify the pre-tremor vibrations. Accelerometer ADXL335 is profoundly delicate to shakes and vibrations alongside all the three tomahawks. Here we are building an Arduino based Earthquake Detector utilizing Accelerometer. We are here building this Earthquake identifier as an Arduino Shield on PCB and will likewise show the Vibrations Graph on PC utilizing Processing.

1. Simple Arduino Audio Player as well as Amplifier with LM386
2. Interfacing SSD1306 OLED Display with Arduino
3. Ongoing Face Detection and Tracking Robot utilizing Arduino
4. Seismic tremor Detector Alarm utilizing Arduino
5. Arduino Timer Tutorial
6. Arduino based Bluetooth Biped Bob (Walking and Dancing Robot)
7. Computer generated Reality utilizing Arduino and Processing
8. Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Alert System utilizing GPS, GSM and Accelerometer
9. DIY Speedometer utilizing Arduino as well as Processing Android App
10. Arduino Radar System utilizing Processing Android App and Ultrasonic Sensor

Название: Simple Arduino Ongoing Face Detection and Tracking Robot, Audio Player, Bluetooth Biped Bob (Walking and Dancing Robot) etc.., DIY projects
Автор: Anbazhagan K.
Издательство: Independently published
Год: 2019
Страниц: 259
Язык: английский
Формат: pdf, mobi, epub
Размер: 12,91 mb

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